The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 5


The notes are basically on Wall Street, are being taken in and spun over anywhere from 9-30 times, maybe more.  We don’t know because they’re hidden in the MERS system.  The MERS Electronic Database keeps track of all the transfers, but none of these are recorded in the Land Records and this is what’s causing the problems with the title.


And they come take houses, as in some cases, not just when you are behind and then they fraudulently do it.  They just take houses that they never had anything to.


Well, it could have been because of the fact that when I was talking to a title guy in Cleveland yesterday, he told me that we see a lot of problems and mistakes that were done because somebody who was preparing the warranty deed, put the wrong legal description on and basically, when they filed the warranty deed, all of the sudden, it looked like that there could be a potential slander of someone else’s title.  And so, when you are looking at a legal description that all of the sudden should say Lot 6, Block 7 but because of the fact that they are having a bad day and looked cross-eyed into the computer and didn’t have enough coffee and hit Lot 7, Block 7, all of the sudden, we have lien on the wrong property.  This is where you see a lot this backlash.


Yes.  I saw cases, just speaking in California and LA.  They are now having thousands of cases a year of innocent people being arrested because they just clicked your name in a bank robber or a child molester’s area and now your life is ruined.  It so Byzantine that no one can fix it.


It’s going to take a least a century to fix this problem if we can stop MERS now.  I do know that there is movement afoot by many legislators who try to cut the MERS equation out of the record dating process…


Then what does that do to all the derivatives based on it worldwide?


The derivatives generally don’t have anything to do with what’s on the Land Records.  They two distinct entities but I mean, you literally could go out if you wanted to and if it was available.  You literally could bet against the weather.  You can say, “You know what?   It’s known that it’s going to rain tomorrow but I’m going to bet against the fact that it’s going to rain.  I bet that it’s going to be sunny.”  So that when it comes to find out that it is not sunny, I’m going to collect on that bet. This is kind of what they did when they structured these loans.


I know, but I mean, if MERS goes under, they’ll lose more of the cases.  My point is, all these frauds are based on this fraudulent filing system.  From what I have read, the big banks are still doing this.


Yes, they are.  This is a thing that we have to – the only thing that I could do because I can’t give you legal advice, I’m a paralegal and not an attorney, but having looked at this from a journalist’s perspective, the only thing that we can do is say no to MERS mortgages.  Just say, “I’m sorry, I’m not going to sign any mortgage paperwork if MERS is involved.”


So anybody that’s going to buy a house, anybody that is going to sell a house, or reify or already has a house that has a mortgage, you need to get the book, Clouded Titles at and read it.  It’s amazing.

Now, continuing here.  First off, here is the toll-free number if you have a horror story, if you have question that he can generally speak to.  We have lawyers on and they’re not going to speak on your case because they don’t know the particulars, so we can’t give legal advice but just general comments or what you would do if you have horror stories, or stories in your family or questions, comments or success stories, we love to hear from you.  The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.  This is a big deal.  It affects our whole economy.  Clouded Titles, Dave Krieger and the book, 800-259-9231.  We will start taking your calls coming up in the next segment.  We will take about 40 minutes of calls.

Continuing, what are some of the other patriot mythology things?  Because people call me, they hear me for 17 years, they send me some of these big stacks of legalese and if I just announced this and that and filed this and I file, magically, bond money that’s under my Social Security Number will be sent to me.


The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 5
mortgage expert witness

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