The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 4

But imagine old ladies or people who don’t know what they’re doing.  I am certainly no rocket scientist especially 14 years ago.  I have learned a lot since then.  But if you have seen the cases on the news, I mean, we played this here for like CNN where they took in Florida a $1.2 million house that has been paid for a decade plus before with cash, never had a securitized note that it had been sold out in the market.  Explain this to people and let’s get in, as you were, to the Patriot mythology.  Some of the stuff were, “Declare yourself as sovereign of the realm of the Lord and file it”, and they will come and arrest you.  Because that was no different than what the bankers are doing.  If they’re engaged in fraud, you don’t go file something else.  You need to get this book, folks, because this has got a bunch of the cases that actually have succeeded and there are different types of fraud going on.  Please continue, Dave.


Sometimes it gets very ugly.  We see cases like the one in Stanislaus County, California where the woman is trying to protect her parents’ house.  It’s in the final stages of foreclosure and you know, these well-meaning souls out there, I call them “patriot paralegals” type up these documents thinking that they can use the UCC common law and basically, they move outside the system’s tools to attempt to enforce their way on the system.


And the system immediately recognizes that it’s not within “kosher” systems.


Exactly and these is what causes the problems and as a result of her filing these documents in Stanislaus County, the District Attorney had her prosecuted.  We’ve have instances, numerous instances that I’ve run across in the state of Texas where somebody has gone in and had written and filed affidavits after the trustees deemed the property was foreclosed.  It was sold.  The trustees’ deed was filed and so instead of fighting it at a detainer hearing which would be the next thing, gets kicked out of your house and so we have to do a forcible detainer hearing.  What ends up happening is this particular person files a whole series of documents starting with an affidavit, rescinding everything that has already been foreclosed on.  Well, it’s a little late for that.  When she went to the county clerk to record it, there was somebody who didn’t even worked at the Clerk’s office that looked at the documentation and said, “I don’t think I’d file that step if I were you.”  She went ahead and did it anyway.  When I got to look at it, I was just like scratching my head going, this is paralleling the case in Stanislaus County.  A judge literally…


There are a bunch of scammers.  I know a bunch of patriot paralegals who are winning in court and who are having success.  But they’re following cases that have won. They’re following systems that are there.  There is success there as well, but there are a bunch of lawyers – I’ve seen countless cases now that are having victories.  The point is you want to go with real instruments that point out the fraud that the bankers are engaged in.  Don’t counter their fraud with your own made out garbage.


Well, look at the Country Land Records as a sacred vault of documents that basically represents a person’s chain of title, from the time they took possession of it and were given a warranty deed all the way up to the current state and condition of title.  Through this chain of title assessment seminars and stuff that I do, I teach people to go in and analyze step by step from the warranty deed forward, to see how many times the chain of titles had been affected.  One of the things that we are seeing is, the more you go out and borrow, reify, reify, get a heel lock and reify; the worse condition the chain of title becomes, because you have more outside third parties interfering in the chain and filing documents that appear to be legitimate when they are anything but.


Let me ask you this, how bad does it get?  Because there are different economists, experts and lawyers and some of the lawyers that have won in court that you mentioned in your book.  They talk about how many times in derivatives the securitized loans are being sold and the fraud that these groups are holding.  How many times are they selling these titles on average?

The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 4
mortgage expert witness

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