The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 2

Yes.   It is $50 trillion they made off derivatives.


By the way, you don’t add here, you are Vietnam veteran, combat veteran.  What was it like for you to see the country become this corrupt?


You know what?  From a Vietnam vet’s point of view, it is sad that we have to see all these stuff that went over there.  I mean, first off, most of the vets in Vietnam didn’t even know why they were there.  In most of the stuff I was involved in was involved with Army security agencies and so I don’t talk about that.  It is just one of these things where as far as combat goes, you know, we didn’t see a lot of that.  We were more behind the scenes.


You were more of an Air America capacity. (Laughter)


You got to love that.  You got away with that one.


Loving government, huh?


I got to love it.  Air America, Black Ops, all of the other good stuff.  We know that there is some amount of that going on but…


It is a very loving government.


The bigger problem we have now is trying to…


I have some family in Army security and you know what they did in the US?


I’m ears.


I said it before.  I’m not going to get into it.  Anyways, we will be right back ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.


Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.  The prognosis for the entire planetary economic system runs from bad to worse.  The globalist model is to shutdown societies and starve patriots out until they acquiesce to the global takeover.  That’s why we have assembled the most vital and important preparedness items at  There are items that I did research on.  That I personally used.  We got the LifeStraw so you can turn fetid water into safe water anywhere you go.  The K-TOR hand-cranked generator to charge up key equipment during power outages or out in the field.  Strategic Relocation, Third Edition by Joel Skousen.  When Disaster Strikes by Matthew Stein.  ThyroSafe – used by Homeland Security to protect yourself during any radiological event.  Hand-cranked shortwave AM/FM radios.  Everything that we researched and found to be the best is available at and your purchase makes our infowar possible.  We are getting prepared, are you?


Here it is.  Deed, who really owns your home?  Over 700,000 or that 70 million?


70 million.


70 million titles.  I can’t read that, it is so big.  The property is clouded.  Is yours one of them?  This book can help you find out and fix it.  I use information similar to this book to make sure with my house that I had that.  It goes on to break it all down, Clouded Titles, new updated edition, with case studies and cites and Dave Krieger is our guest.   It is available at

As I was saying, an invaluable book to have.

Okay Dave, this is a short segment, the long segment coming up.  Break down how the scam worked, what happened, what MERS is and let’s get into the usual suspects.  I mean, it seems like everything the Attorney General is involved in it, even back during Clinton, with his law firm.  He was Deputy Attorney General, getting all these change, where this is going and let’s go into the patriot mythology, getting a lot of people in trouble versus real stuff that’s in your book and then let’s take phone calls.


Sure.  Well, Alex, the thing started in 1995.  It was a concept of how can we basically control, track and transfer these mortgage notes on Wall Street. So Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Mortgage Bankers Association, American Land Title Association and all the major banks got together and came up with a game plan and they got Covington and Burling law firm in Washington, DC to issue an opinion letter and basically, what it did was it gave what we call Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems or MERS claims to do what it’s doing in America.

What in essence happens is that when you go to the closing table and you sign this piece of paper which represents a mortgage or deed of trust, there is an 18-digit MIN number or MERS Identification Number that is the property of MERSCORP Holding, Inc. that appears near the document title.   The things that we have been trying to do is to get people to recognize this, which is one of the fundamental reasons I wrote the book because if you knew what the consequences were of getting a MERS loan or MERS mortgage.  MERS doesn’t have anything to do with the actual mortgage note itself.

The Biggest Mortgage Fraud in History Exposed Pt. 2
mortgage expert witness

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