A Review Of Telecommunications Expert Witnesses

post by Grayserr G.

telecommunications expert witnessThe breakthrough of the cellular phone age was one of the most advance evolutions in human history. Imagine being able to communicate with other people who can be located in other parts of the world without leaving the comforts of your own home, it brings convenience to everyone.

The cellular phone is one of the most important tools in everyone’s daily life. We use our cell phone primarily as a tool to communicate to our family, friends and acquaintances.

Years back, we use our cell phones to call, and then later on as the cell phone upgraded we started sending text messages and now we can send pictures and videos already using our mobile phones. The latest mobile phones are also capable of some superb capabilities, for instance, aside from calling and sending messages, nowadays we also use our cell phones to capture pictures and videos, as well as to record and play music. Due to the advancement in technology of most cell phones crimes can also be committed using nowadays using cell phones.

A telecommunication expert is a person who can help you when you are faced with legal cases that is related to the use of cell phone such as telecommunication engineering and telecommunication services. Telecommunication expert witness can testify regarding telecommunications networks, telecommunications facilities, and telecommunications equipment, as well as related issues.

Hence, how can the telecommunication expert witness use the cell phone as evidence in court? There are several materials that can be used in a case using the cell phone like the Logged Incoming & Last Dialled numbers, Text & Multimedia messages, System Settings (including date/time/volume), Stored audio/visual materials, saved computer and data files, Calendar and Alarm notifications and the Internet settings and websites accessed.

One of the most common question that is where will the evidence be found, is it in the phone itself or in the SIM card? Well the answer is both that is the reason why comprehensive analysis of both the cell phone and the SIM card must be done. Some of the network records like text messages and call logs as well as the phone directory can be found in the SIM card while important photos, videos or sound recordings can be found in the cell phone.

Another question that is commonly asked is can scandalous and explicit photos are kept and stored in the phone? Yes. That is the primarily due to the prevalence of cell phones with very good photo resolution these days. The photos that can be found in the handset can be used by the Telecommunication Expert in the case that will be filed. The cell phone unit can also be used by the Telecommunication Expert Witness using the DNA traces on the handset itself to link a user to the device.

Telecommunication Expert Witness can be found in all over the internet. There are numerous ways to find them. It will be better if you will be able to find someone who was recommended by a friend or a fellow professional.

A Review Of Telecommunications Expert Witnesses

Telecommunications Expert Witness

post by Lucas M.

Telecommunication is the emission of information through major distances in order to establish a proper communication. In the past, telecommunications were simple beacon signals or smoke signals and similar. At present, through the use of electricity, telecommunications have advanced. Some of the clearest examples are the telephone, television, fiber optics and even satellites communicating through very high frequencies.

In the early years of the twentieth century we experienced a revolution in wireless communications, such as radio, television and telegraph, among other examples. This was the beginning of telecommunications in an entirely different manner than it was in the past. Now, telecommunications were more detailed, more interactive and could convey messages in a more efficient and clear manner.

A Telecommunications Expert Witness is likely to be a telecommunications engineer. This specialist is an individual who studied electronic engineering and has dedicated almost exclusively to telecommunications. The knowledge of this professional varies from designing or even building a circuit up to strategic mass developments. A telecommunications engineer will have extensive understanding in the design of equipment and facilities. Often these engineers work for a company in order to provide, generally, a solution to a problem at a low cost for the company. When this individual has studied a major in electronic engineering and specialized in telecommunications and perhaps even has studies on broadcasting engineering, these qualifications can be presented at court, along with extensive field experience in order to apply for the judge’s approval to become a Telecommunications Expert Witness in a specific trial.

The purpose of this witness is to provide specific and clear information in telecommunications matters. Given that over time telecommunications have grown and changed (in the past they involved almost exclusively radio, telephone and television, and nowadays also internet, mobile communications, etc.), the nature of trials in telecommunications has changed as well. One common situation at court would be the breach in telecom laws, or the failure to provide a service (causing certain damage to the contractor).

Therefore, the telecommunications expert is needed to provide a testimony that applies specifically to the matter discussed… this implies knowledge of the applicable laws and technical information. By doing the proper research and gathering all necessary information and performing interviews with the involved people, the expert will have enough data to formulate an opinion and a testimony. This is to be conveyed to the court in order to educate the jury, thus, it shall be clear and easily explained to achieve this goal. Telecommunications Expert Witness