Using A General Surgery Expert Witness For Your Court Case

post by Sam C.

When we go under the knife, we are quite literally putting our life in somebody else’s hands. We therefore expect a certain standard of care to be adhered to. Surgeons train for years in order to ensure that they do not make mistakes, for a mistake can leave lasting, sometimes fatal effects upon the unfortunate patient.

Yet, as in any profession relying on the skill of an individual, there is a risk of human error, and even the best trained physicians are prone to making mistakes every now and again. The problem is that a mistake in surgery can have both immediate and long term consequences. Not only can it leave you unable to attend work for a period of time, it can also seriously harm your chances of finding alternative employment. This can seriously affect your lifestyle if you do not receive adequate compensation.

This is not to say that every injury suffered during surgery is due to the fault of the surgeon. We cannot be sure how the body will react to the shock of the operation and the surgeon may be simply be responding to an emergency. If this is the case, then the surgeon is clearly not at fault, for he has evaded what could have been an even more severe incident. If, however, the complications have been caused by the surgeon then it is clear that you should be able to be compensated for the incident.

This is where a general surgery expert witness is key. Such an expert knows in detail the procedures that the reasonable surgeon should take and can outline whether the injury suffered was owing to conduct falling below the standard that could be reasonably expected of the surgeon. This information is vitally important if you are to launch a claim based upon the negligence of the surgeon during the surgery. It may also be very important for claims on your insurance, for the terms of your policy may depend upon whether the injury suffered was caused by the surgeon, or whether there were supervening causes.

Attorneys are very well adept at dealing with medical negligence cases, but they cannot win a case unless they can convince the court that the injuries suffered were negligently caused. Without a general surgery expert witness, the case can only be based upon speculation which is very unconvincing. The expert evidence can go a long way to ensuring that you are not made to suffer for injuries that were not your fault.

Using A General Surgery Expert Witness For Your Court Case