Expert Witness: Slip and Fall Injuries Are No Laughing Matter

post by: Grayserr G.

How many times have you lose your balance, slipped and fell on the ground? Slip and fall injuries occur almost every day that they are now considered common accidents. Because of that, people do not take them seriously and just laugh it away. However, some slip and fall accidents do not only result to minor bruises and bumps but serious injuries like broken bones, head injuries, back injuries and injuries that can sometimes lead to devastating life changes. In case of a slip and fall injury, it is important that you ask the assistance of slip and fall expert witness.

Slip and fall expert witnesses are experts who have specialized knowledge in handling personal injury cases. Accidents are not something you planned and it is completely unpreventable. Though unpreventable, you can do something about it. It is important that you think clearly and get the help of an expert witness at the time of the incident because waiting longer can reduce your chances to file a claim. Most importantly, have your injury checked immediately to help substantiate your claim and to not delay your recovery.

It is disheartening that these types of accidents can happen just about anywhere at any time. It can happen at your workplace, at malls and construction areas. Something as simple as going to the gym and climbing a stairs can took a sudden turn and become a trip to hospitals and in most cases, to emergency rooms. There are many things that can cause a person slip and fall.  You need to remember that you do not have to presume the accident is your fault. Property owners are often responsible for hazardous injuries that occurred in their properties. They are expected to take special precautions to ensure that no one will get hurt because they have what is legally known as premises liability.

Personal Injury lawyers have seen and is experienced in accidents in different circumstances, especially slip and fall in which the evidence are scientific in nature. Attorneys can provide expert witnesses that can help to build your case. You may be in good shape but in one moment you may not be able to work again. Medical bills will add up in no time and with your lost wages, the betterment of your health will be set aside. Attorneys expert on personal injuries will make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Expert Witness: Slip and Fall Injuries Are No Laughing Matter

Slip and Fall Expert Witness

post by: Lucas M.

slip and fall expert witnessA Slip and Fall Expert Witness is a person qualified to provide testimony at a trial… educate the jury and people in general at the court; often (but not always) this person would be an Engineering Expert.

Considering that there are many types of injuries that may occur to a person, there are many expert witnesses, depending on the situation. Nevertheless, in every case, the expert witness must have the qualifications to perform as such. The qualifications include studies, education, and work experience.

Slip and fall is an injury caused by tripping and falling. This may occur in public spaces, work environments or just about any other place. Depending on the location of the incident and the action at the time, this may become a work related concern, or may turn into a suit directed to the government (city government for instance). One key item is the effect that this slip and fall has on the individual… it must be proven that there has been medical damage inflicted. In order to achieve this, Slip and Fall Experts come into scene, performing the pertinent investigations and dealing with gathering the necessary information. By witnessing, he/she becomes crucial to the suit, providing testimony and information to educate the audience present (jury, attorneys) in order to reach a fair outcome of the trial.

Slip and falls can result to be very serious, mainly for the elder. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery costs will vary… it is not the same a minor injury than a more delicate one that even requires time hospitalized.

Slip and Fall Expert Witness