Pain and Suffering Expert Witnesses For Legal Cases

pain and suffering specialist post by Sam C.

pain and suffering expert witnessesThere are many different things that you can claim for when you have been negligently injured. Of course, you will receive compensation for the direct injuries and possibly even the loss of future earnings. However, you can also claim for the pain and suffering that you experience as an indirect consequence of the negligence.

Unfortunately, this can be a somewhat indeterminate concept and as such it can be incredibly difficult to know how much to quantify the pain and suffering. The problem here is very clear. If you pitch too low, you are not going to be fully compensated for the injuries that you have suffered. If, on the other hand, you suggest that the damages for pain and suffering are higher than the court thinks that they should be, you may be shooting yourself in the foot; a court is unlikely to react well to your claim if it believes that you are trying to make spurious claims, and if you over-value the pain and suffering the court may begin to ask whether you have over-valued other aspects to the damages. You therefore need to make sure that you propose the right amount of money as compensation.

If you need help with quantification, you should contact a pain and suffering expert witness. These are often certified clinicians who have had much experience dealing with similar cases in the past. They will be able to use their expertise to good effect and come to a conclusion as to the value of your pain and suffering. The advantage to this should be apparent; when you have consulted an expert witness, you have the litigation support who is fully qualified and therefore has an authoritative. If an independent expert has given a valuation, the court is highly likely to trust that quantification value, even if the judge may personally believe that it is too high.

If consultation is insufficient to convince the court, the pain and suffering expert witness will also be able to provide testimony in court to back up your valuation. They will be able to field questions from the other lawyer and verify the methods that they use to accurately quantify your pain and suffering. This is very important; it is one thing to state that the expert has quantified the damage in a certain way, it is another for them to present it themselves and then defend it and ensure that it stands up to scrutiny. If you are going to make sure that you receive the compensation that you deserve, this is vital in any pain and suffering based case.

Pain and Suffering Expert Witnesses For Legal Cases