Packaging Engineer Experts and The Litigious Case

packaging engineer expert witness post by Sam C.

packaging engineer expert witnessesMany people choose to shop online; it is far more convenient than having to travel to a shop and buy it in person. However, sometimes your product will arrive damaged and therefore unusable. This is the last thing you want; especially, if you have purchased the item for an emergency. You will rightly want to get compensation, but may encounter certain issues.

The problem with such cases is really one of a lack of tangible evidence. If you have bought a product online that is damaged, it can be very difficult for you alone to determine whether the damage has been caused when the product was manufactured, or whether it resulted from the fault packaging. This is a very important fact for you to know, because it is up to you to prove that there has been negligence. If you bring a claim against the wrong person, they can simply defend by saying that it was the fault of another; you therefore lose the case. What you really need is the little nugget of information that will convince the court that you are bringing the claim against the right person.

A packaging engineer expert witness can help to provide the vital piece of evidence and litigation support that you need to tip the balance in your favor. Almost all of them are trained engineers or have worked in the industry and are therefore well aware of the standards that must be adhered to by the packaging company. They are able to assess the product that has been damaged and give an estimation as to how the defect was caused; they will be able to identify the telltale signs that suggest the damage was the fault of the packaging.

This can be useful before claiming to determine who the claim should be brought against, and is also vitally important during the trial; the expert witness can give a written or oral statement as expert testimony that will provide the extra strand of evidence that you need to build a coherent case and convince the court as to the merits of your claim. They will state the standard that should have been met and suggest that the defect would not have occurred had reasonable care been taken. Because they have a wealth of expertise, their evidence is very likely to carry a lot of weight…especially with regard to engineering and packaging.

You shouldn’t be made to suffer for loss resulting from faulty packaging. Be sure to contact a packaging engineer expert witness to ensure that you have the strongest possible claim.

Packaging Engineer Experts and The Litigious Case