Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses In Court

Anesthesiology expert post by Sam C.

anesthetic expert wintessesThe use of anesthetics in surgery and medicine is widely known as a beneficial technique to minimise the pain suffered by the patient. The vast majority of doctors and surgeons are aware of which anesthetic is most appropriate for each specific patient, but there are some rare occasions when the anaesthetic recommended by the doctor causes more harm than good.

This could be for something such as an allergic reaction that the doctor had not anticipated, or it could be that the painkiller was out of date or used in the wrong dosage, in which case it failed to work to a sufficient standard.

However, it is important that you are aware of the situation before you charge in making allegations with no substance. It may not necessarily be the fault of the distributor of the anesthetic that causes problems to occur. For example, if you failed to disclose any information about, as mentioned earlier, any allergies you may have, then it is no fault other than your own if you are provided with an anesthetic which causes these allergies to surface.

For this reason, it is vital that you get a referral from an anesthesiology expert witness. They are specialists in the field of the uses of anaesthetics and they know all of the procedures that should be adhered to before the anesthetics are provided to the patient. These expert witnesses have the relevant qualifications to provide the expertise required to make a successful claim. It is necessary to have the experience of the expert witness for litigation support, as they have sufficient authority in court to provide evidence on your behalf which will support your case. You will have a leading expert in your corner which can only aid your attempts at a successful claim.

For you to be able to win any compensation that you may be entitled to, you will need the expert knowledge of an anesthesiology expert witness. They will give expert testimony in court and will help you with your case and will explain to you what is required on your part to be able to win any case. The witness also acts as a consultant, which therefore enables you to approach them for any advice on the subject of the case, whether it is simply moral support or any potential advice on the case in court. Anesthesiology expert witnesses could be the difference between you winning and losing a case.

Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses In Court

Does A Medical Malpractice Expert Help During Litigation?

post by Sam C.

The vast majority of doctors will go through their careers without any problems during the procedures that they lead. They will constantly adhere to the standard of care that they owe to each patient, and the result will be that the patient suffers no ill effects after the treatment. Unfortunately, not all doctors stick rigidly to the guidelines; after a long shift, mistakes may begin to creep in. The consequences of a slip in medical standards can be devastating to the patient; they can range from long term inability to work, the loss of limbs or even death. Medical professionals receive lengthy training to try and keep the risk of such situations occurring to a minimum, but sometimes hat is not enough.

If you have suffered an injury following a trip to the hospital, it may have been caused by medical malpractice. Of course, this is not always the case; we do not know how the body will react to the various drugs and procedures, so your injuries could have been unavoidable. However, if they could have been avoided, it is only right that you are able to receive compensation to try and alleviate your suffering.

The first person that you should consult is the medical malpractice expert witness. They will ask for a lot of information about the reasons for the procedure, the type of medication that you were given and the aftercare that you received, in order to build a picture of how you were treated. They will then compare that picture to their view of how you should have been looked after. This view is informed by years of experience, either in the medical profession or from similar cases that they have dealt with, so can be a useful indicator as to whether you are likely to have a claim. If you do, then the expert witness may also be able to give a statement that can be used as evidence to support your claim. This could be incredibly important; the court is reluctant to allow claims for medical malpractice to succeed, so the more evidence that you can put forward, the greater your chances of success.

When we go into hospital, we do not expect our condition to deteriorate. If you have suffered injury as a result of medical malpractice, make sure you contact an expert witness to give you the greatest chance of success.

Does A Medical Malpractice Expert Help During Litigation?

Cases Where A Medical Expert Witness Can Help You

post by: MV M.

medical expert witnessA medical expert witness is an expert in medical field, who gives his expert opinion, on medical related issues in a case in court.

Following are five types of cases, in which a medical expert witness can help you.

1. Murder Trials

A forensic medicine expert can investigate a murder case, and can collect evidences and submit in the court, and give his expert opinion in the court. He can visit the crime scene and collect valuable evidences like fingerprints; blood samples, hair, or any other things left by the culprit and can match them with all suspects to confirm who the culprit is.

2. Medical Malpractice Cases

When a physician or surgeon does something wrongful, intentionally or out of negligence, which results in an injury to the patient or worsens his condition, it is malpractice. A medical expert can study the patient’s medical reports thoroughly, and find out what the actual condition of patient was and what procedures were done by the doctor in question. And then using his expert knowledge in the field, he can find out whether any malpractice was done by the doctor.

3. Medical Insurance Cases

A medical expert witness can study a medical insurance claim thoroughly, to find out whether it is a genuine claim. He can go through the patient’s medical reports, and can personally examine the patient to find out, whether, what he claims is true or not.

4. Accident Cases

Accidents can leave a person dead or make him seriously injured, such a way that his normal life is affected, either temporarily or permanently, depending upon the level and seriousness of the injury. A medical expert witness can study the case thoroughly and find out the level of injury, and corresponding economic loss, to the person injured. He can determine the amount spent on treating the injury, and loss of income, because of not able to work. By considering his expert opinion, court can decide on the compensation amount.

5. Injuries Resulting from the Use of a Product or Service

Sometimes injuries can happen while using a product or service. Examples are food products. You may get affected by food poisoning while using a food product which is contaminated. This may lead to either minor or major problems. A medical expert witness can study the case, using samples of the food product used and find out whether that was the actual reason, for the claimant’s medical condition, and get him compensation from the manufacturer of the product.

A medical expert witness is a very important person, in today’s legal world. He can be of great help to legal professionals, by giving his expert opinion, on medical related issues, in cases, and thus helping to solve the case and make the judgement.

Cases Where A Medical Expert Witness Can Help You

Importance of Medical Malpractice Expert Witness

post by: Jhanis V.

medical malpractice expert witnesses

Expert witnesses


Malpractice, in the legal dictionary is defined as a breach of accepted standards of care and/or conduct in a professional setting. It also refers to failure or lack of action or negligence committed by a professional individual to a person who sought his or her service. This non-standard action reaches a level of malpractice if it resulted to personal damage or injury.

  Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is an act of a health care giver, which is considered non-standard in the medical field, which results in patients’ harm, injury, and even death. Factors that can lead to medical malpractice can include but not limited to failure to diagnose an illness correctly and failure of performing medical tests relevant to a person’s condition. It also includes declining treatment to an injured person, negligence resulting to surgical errors, wrong medicine prescription, and any other acts of professions that are not in line with standard operating procedures in the medical field.

Medical Malpractice Expert Witness

Medical malpractice witness is a professional in the medical field qualified to give opinion regarding a medical process that is in question. They can testify for a plaintiff or a defendant in court depending on who contracted their services.  Medical specialists are expected to      to uphold certain standards in their profession, if service level goes below accepted norms, a malpractice lawsuit could arise. To help shed light on this sensitive matter, a medical malpractice expert witness may be sought for a professional opinion. Main purpose of an expert witness is to study the case where the negligence occurred and to draw a comprehensive written report that is based on facts and extensive study. In addition to that, should the case progress to a trial in court, the medical malpractice expert witness will be expected to testify in court. He or she should be able to discuss the issue in a manner that the public can understand all aspects related to the case.

Medical malpractice expert witness holds a very important role in every malpractice case. They can give information that is crucial to the overall understanding of the case. This is the reason why expert witnesses are required to have experience in a specific field or study. He or she must have an extensive training and understanding on the topic discussed to ensure credibility and accuracy. To be able to give an expert testimony is something that can only be done by a professional with strong process of reasoning and this only comes from years of experience and study.

Importance of Medical Malpractice Expert Witness