Becoming An Insurance Expert Witness

post by Sam C.

There are so many things that could go wrong in life. Whether you are going on holiday, driving a car or even just purchasing items to keep at home, there is always a risk that some unforeseen event will occur that will result in you losing out. We need protection against such events, and it is because of this that we insure most of the things that we do or purchase. This gives us something of a buffer; we do not lose out as a result of the accident because the insurance company will pay out and cover the cost of the damage. This would make it seem as though the problem has been solved.

However, things are rarely that simple. There are many insurance companies that are very reluctant to pay out on accidents, pointing to obscure technicalities in the documents that you signed. They assume that the layman does not understand most of the legal jargon within the contract and therefore, whenever there is any ambiguity in the document, they will decide that your insurance does not cover the event that occurred.

We therefore need somebody who is skilled in dealing with such situations in order to ensure that we receive the money that we are entitled to. This is the time that we turn to an insurance expert witness. These are people who have dealt with cases involving contracts and understand all the technical language that seems to elude us. They are aware of precedents, (the ways in which the court has interpreted similar provisions in the past), and can therefore inform us as to whether we are entitled to any money. Indeed, they may even have worked within an insurance company, so know how others in the field have interpreted the same terms. This is vitally important if you are looking to launch a claim against the insurance company who refuses to pay out, as it will reassure you that you are entitled to the money that is being withheld.

Remember that insurance is big business, and businesses become wealthy by retaining as much money as they can. They rely on people simply accepting their word at face value and not pursuing it further. If you want to make sure that you are receiving the protection that you believed you were signing up to, make sure you consult an insurance expert witness whenever anything untoward happens; you don’t want to miss out on a claim that you are entitled to make.

Becoming An Insurance Expert Witness

The Essential Insurance Expert Witness

post by: Lucas M.

insurance expert witnessAn Insurance Expert Witness is an individual with broad experience, knowledge and education of the insurance field, and is called upon to testify at a trial serving as an Expert Witness.

As is the case for other expert witnesses, they are used to provide information, insight and a clear education in order to be able to educate the audience, composed of the layers, judge and jury. In addition to the individual’s education and training, the hiring party does seek for field experience; it is recommended that the expert has built a reputation and credibility upon him/her, through papers published, studies, investigation and peer recommendation.

One common reason to hire an Insurance Expert Witness is simply to explain facts regarding an insurance related matter at court. Additionally, we can find these experts providing insight as to policies and procedures followed, regulations that apply to a company, to the insurance policy. When, for example, there is a case of an individual suing an insurance company for not providing reparations regarding an accident that may have occurred, the expert will evaluate the valid insurance policy and provide a testimony explaining points of it and reasons behind the company’s decision.

As is the case for other Expert Witnesses, these can be cross examined by the opposing counsel; it is rather common that the opposing party’s lawyer attempts to undermine the insurance expert witness’  testimony relaying on the circumstance that it is mere opinion and not fact.

The Essential Insurance Expert Witness