Expert Witnesses For Highway Design and Construction

post by Sam C.highway design and construction expert witness

We rely on our cars for so many different purposes. They take us to work, to the shops and help us to transport our children to the various places that they need to be. If our cars are damaged, it can be a big inconvenience. Unfortunately, some road surfaces are full of potholes that can cause significant damage to our cars. The problem is particularly prevalent after a period of cold weather. Road surfaces naturally have cracks in them which fill with water when it rains. When the weather cools, the water in the cracks freezes and expands, causing the cracks to increase in size. Eventually, the cracks become so big that they create potholes in the road.

This is not so problematic on smaller roads; the speeds at which the cars drive are relatively low so the wheel springs are not placed under too much strain when a car drives over them. However, on higher speed roads it can be a disaster, causing widespread damage that renders the car unable to be driven safely. Such damage may not be covered by your insurance and can be incredibly expensive. Modern highways are designed to take weather conditions into account, and in theory potholes should be something of a rarity. When they do occur, it is essential to know whether it was down to faulty design or construction in order to construct a case and recover compensation for the damage suffered.

A highway design and construction expert witness can help to give you the information that you need. As experts in the field, they know how a road should be designed and built in order to prevent damage coming to your vehicle. They can perform an assessment of the road, taking into account its age and the materials used to construct it, and inform you as to whether the defects in the road were caused by the construction agency, or whether it is down to the council failing in their responsibility to maintain the roads.

If the damage could have been prevented, then you should not be the person to suffer. Expert witnesses are there to help you find the important pieces of evidence that you need to stake a successful claim for compensation. By taking advantage of their services, you save yourself a lot of worry over whether your claim will be successful; if you have a good lawyer and experts on your side, you can’t lose!

Expert Witnesses For Highway Design and Construction

Having A Need For A Mortgage Expert Witness

post by Sam C.

mortgage expert witnessMortgages have been an important part of daily life for hundreds of years. When we buy a house, we have a property that has a certain value. This adds to our personal wealth, without actually adding to our disposable income. The majority of the wealth that many people have is tied up in assets; property that is worth money, but doesn’t physically give you extra money.

A mortgage is effectively a secured loan from the bank to realize the value of your assets. The most common asset to mortgage is your home, and millions each year mortgage and remortgage their homes in order to try and get that little bit of extra money needed to live life to the full. Historically, banks have been very happy to lend money to those who want a mortgage; if the loan isn’t repaid on time, the security can be sold to recoup the outstanding money.

However, the recent economic crisis has put a stop to that. Banks became too generous when lending and gave mortgages to people who couldn’t afford to pay them back. Houses went into negative equity, meaning that the money recouped from sale was not enough to cover the money that had been initially loaned out. The banks began losing money and so became much more reluctant to allow a mortgage.

The problem here is that some people need the money and are willing to go to any lengths to make sure that they get it. Incidents of fraudulent misrepresentation of personal finances are on the rise, and the risk is that banks will become even more conservative when considering whether or not to give you a loan. This benefits nobody.

However, help is at hand. If you believe that you have been defrauded in a mortgage agreement, it is vitally important that you consult a mortgage expert witness as soon as possible. Expert witnesses are people who can quickly analyze a situation and determine the various important details that you need to win a case. They are able to advise the litigants as to the cause of action in a way that is very easy to understand; avoiding the legal jargon that can confuse even the most intelligent of laymen. Most importantly, they will provide expert testimony to support your claim when it goes to court. This may be vital when trying to ensure that a fraudster does not take you or your company for a ride.

Having A Need For A Mortgage Expert Witness

Natural Gas And Expert Witnesses

post by Sam C.

natural gas expert witnessThere are many different types of fuel that we use to create the energy needed to power our appliances. By far, one of the most common is natural gas. This is the cleanest of the fossil fuels and one of the most efficient. Many people even have natural gas streamed into their homes; it is the substance that is lit when you want to cook something on a hob.

Yet, although this usually occurs without a problem, natural gas can still be very unsafe. If there has been a leak, a room can quickly fill with this flammable substance. This is particularly dangerous when you are out at work and therefore unable to tell that it is happening. The situation that we all dread is to return home to a room filled with gas, light a match and the whole house goes up in flames.

This is an extreme example, but outlines the danger that natural gas can pose if the pipes are not properly maintained. Even a small leak can spell disaster when you turn on the hob; a small amount of gas collecting around your hand can be set alight and cause a nasty burn. If the leak is caused by somebody’s negligence, then it is only right that they should be made to compensate you for the injuries that you suffer.

A natural gas expert witness is on hand to help in such situations. Many of these people have worked for most of their lives as technicians and are well adept at spotting the causes of the leak. They will provide expert analysis and will testify in court on your behalf. The information and evidence that they provide could be the difference between winning and losing a case, for a court is more likely to be swayed by the testimony of an expert, rather than the analysis and speculation of a layman.

Flammable substances are a necessary part of our lives. They do, however, have the potential to cause damage and injury if proper care is not taken around them. If somebody is at fault and as a consequence, you suffer loss, you should not be the one who is made to suffer. By hiring a natural gas expert witness, you can ensure that you receive adequate recompense for the injuries and damage that you suffer. With their testimony, your case becomes far stronger, and you are much more likely to be successful.

Natural Gas And Expert Witnesses

Nursing: Becoming A Nursing Home Expert

post by Sam C.

nursing home nursing expert witnessIt is always a very sad time when a member of our family is no longer able to look after themselves. This can happen through old age, injury or illness, and will often mean that they need supervision throughout the day.

Unfortunately, the nature of our busy lives and limited home space precludes the preferred solution, which would be to take them in and care for them ourselves. Instead, we look to nursing homes to perform that role. They take in people who are in desperate need of support and provide the supervision that they require.

The job clearly entails dealing with vulnerable people, and as such necessitates the highest standards of care. Many who live in nursing homes are unaware of their surroundings or unable to make complaints, so it is essential that the nursing home does not take advantage and allow standards to slip. Unfortunately, this ideal is not always adhered to. Incidents of neglect range from simply not thinking before acting (placing important medicine by a person who is paralyzed on that side) to genuine neglect; actively ignoring the people who are there explicitly for round the clock care. They do so because they believe that they can get away with it; the patients are very unlikely to complain, so they feel that they can relax whilst on the job.

This should not be allowed to happen, and if you have any suspicions that your relative is being neglected you should contact a nursing home expert witness immediately. They will perform a thorough assessment of the nursing home in question and determine whether it is up to scratch. If it is not, they will inform you of the problems so that you can either confront them or take legal action. Should you choose the latter option, the nursing home expert witness will be able to provide expert testimony, either orally or in written form. This will allow you to have an expert comparison between the standards that should be adhered to and those that are actually being met.

We do not expect our loved ones to be neglected, especially when we are placing them somewhere specifically to prevent this. If there is neglect, not only are you wasting your money, you are also inadvertently placing your relative in potential danger. By visiting an expert witness you find out how your relative should be cared for; you therefore know what warning signs to look out for.

Nursing: Becoming A Nursing Home Expert

There Are Even Paints and Coatings Expert Witnesses

post by Sam C.

paints and coatings expert witnessIt is a scenario that is all too common. You are involved in a collision owing to the fault of the other driver and exchange insurance details; everything seems to be cordial. You return home to discover that some of the paintwork is chipped on your car. Knowing that this may result in a new paintjob, which will no doubt be very expensive, you contact your insurance company to tell them that the damage was caused in the collision with the other vehicle.

A week later, you receive notification that the other party has denied that they caused the chipped paintwork; arguing instead that it occurred either in another collision or, more likely, that it was caused through natural wear and tear. You know that this is not the case, but are unsure as to how you can get the evidence to prove it.

This is where the paints and coatings expert witness is key. In a collision, the vehicles often scrape alongside one another for a period of time. This will often leave a residue on the other car; some of the paint on your car is chipped and passed to the other vehicle, and vice versa. A thorough inspection of your car may uncover evidence of this residue which, whilst not being conclusive proof that the accident caused the paint to be chipped, is very strong evidence that the cars collided in the area where the paint has been chipped. If this is not possible, the expert witness can instead analyze the damage to your car and give an assessment as to the most likely causes. If they determine that it would have taken considerable force to chip the paint, it looks increasingly as though the damage would have been caused in the collision.

Yet, the help will not end there. The paints and coatings expert witness will also be able to provide testimony to reinforce your side of the story in court. By informing the court as to the likely causes of the damage, they will provide the vital piece of information that prevents the case being simply one person’s word against another’s. A case is not won solely by having a good lawyer; you also need to ensure that you have enough evidence to support the claim that you are making. By gaining the advice and testimony of an expert witness you greatly increase your chances of success in the case.

There Are Even Paints and Coatings Expert Witnesses

Finding the Right Valuation Expert Witness for Your Case

Finding the Right Valuation Expert Witness for Your Case

When you go into court, you’ll need a professional to help handle court proceedings and the jury. Even though an attorney is the first to be hired, they would have little or no knowledge on the case you’re about to take regarding a particular matter. This is the main reason why expert witnesses are hired by attorneys before the actual case to consult the expert about the situation. A valuation expert witness will be able to help you in your case. They will look through the evidences and listen to the sides of each party, making their decision on whether or not the suspect should be guilty. They will state their opinions and will explain what happened and what should have happened in order to avoid the court case. An expert witness would help the jury make their decision on the case, making the process faster and easier.

If you’re in an argument with your landlord about the bills of your office or apartment, then you should hire a valuation expert witness to ask about what should be done and if there’s any case that should be filed regarding the matter. An expert witness is available for consultation before an actual case would ensue. If the jury allows you to hire an expert witness to testify for you in court, this expert will be able to provide a wide range of knowledge and expertise in order to help you win the case. There are many categories of expert witnesses, all depending on the expertise of the expert. From medicine to engineering, an expert witness can be a professor or a doctor. People who’re exceptionally knowledgeable on a certain expertise are called by attorneys for them to explain the situation of the case and their opinions. Although there are many people who’re able to become a witness, there may be a few setbacks if you choose the first on the list. Avoid saving time by hiring the first one to meet, or they might take the side of the opposing party or will not have the ability to speak convincingly to the jury.

There are many expert witnesses you can hire. You may want to consult attorneys on the matter, because they hire many expert witnesses to help their client’s case. No matter, you’ll be able to find a valuation expert witness online or in your area. So if you’re stuck in an argument or want to sue a company for on the job injuries, you’ll know who to call.

Is A Geriatrics Expert Witness Necessary?

post by Sam C.

The legal system places much in store on its credibility and indefeasibility. To the layman looking in, the court must appear to be infallible; ensuring that justice is done whilst taking into account any mitigating circumstances, for justice is about fair punishment rather than retribution. It is because of this that a number of pleas negating mens rea have developed, some examples being insanity and diminished capacity.

The problem is particularly acute as we get older. Many elderly people suffer from various forms of dementia, and it is very important that the court has this in mind throughout the trial. Take, for example, a situation where a case hinges upon the testament of an elderly person who is suffering an advanced form of dementia. If great weight is placed upon this evidence it is very possible that the decision will always be seen as somewhat unsafe, for the conviction may be based upon evidence given by somebody whose account may be in doubt. Similarly, if a person with dementia commits a crime and is forced to enter a plea the case may be seen as unsafe, for a person who is not laboring under the ailment may be able to construct a case and defend themselves in a much more effective way. The law depends upon the confidence of the public, and unsafe convictions do much to undermine this confidence.

It is therefore essential that geriatrics expert witness is consulted in any case that involves an elderly person. This should really be a precursor to the actual trial, particularly where the case involves the elderly person as the defendant, for the court needs to know before any plea is entered whether the person involved has the capacity to enter such a plea. If the expert witness decides that they cannot, the court has a number of options open to it, ranging from allowing them to walk free to detaining them in a mental health hospital. Where the elderly person is giving evidence, it is also important to gain the advice of a geriatrics expert witness as soon as possible; the last thing that you want is to put a large emphasis on the evidence of a person who is later found to be incapable of giving such evidence.

Of course, not all elderly people suffer from dementia but it is much better to be safe rather than sorry. More importantly, the geriatrics expert witness reinforces the credibility of the legal system, which is, in itself, an essential endeavor.

Is A Geriatrics Expert Witness Necessary?