Industrial Design Experts During Litigation

industrial design expert witnesses post by Sam C.

industrial design expert witnessesIf you have been injured and you believe that it may have been cause by negligent industrial design, you need to make sure that you have the assistance of a specialist expert witness; the industrial design expert witness. You will need them for three main reasons. The first is as an initial consultant. It is very useful to know before you actually file your claim whether or not you have a good chance of success.

We may feel that we are deserving of compensation, but the way in which such actions work is that you need to point to some fault on the part of the person against whom you are filing the claim.

The expert witness will be able to give a basic assessment of the incident and let you know whether the designer is likely to have been negligent during the design process. This has the potential to save you a lot of time and money pursuing a doomed claim.

The second is acting as a consultant for your lawyer. This is a vital form of litigation support, for your lawyer is highly unlikely to know anything about the technicalities of industrial design. If you are to succeed in your claim, your lawyer will need to tap into the expertise of the expert witness in order to get themselves clued up on the basics. If they are to convince the court as to the validity of your claim, they need to be able to explain at least some of the industrial design process in a manner that is convincing; the industrial design expert witness will help to ensure that they know exactly what sort of things to say.

The third important role that the industrial design expert witness will perform during your trial is in the giving of evidence. You will likely call a number of people to testify on your behalf in the hope that they will be able to convince the court that there has been negligence. However, the testimony of the industrial design expert witness is likely to be seen in a much more persuasive light than most of the other people who take the stand. The expert witness will almost certainly be a certified industrial designer and so will have numerous qualifications; each of which adding to the bulk of expertise that they possess. If you choose prudently, you may also be able to count on the support of an expert who has worked on very similar projects, and so will know exactly what should have been done.

By using an industrial design expert witness throughout your trial, you greatly improve your chances of victory.

Industrial Design Experts During Litigation