Corrections Medicine Experts In Court

corrections medicine post by Sam C.

corrections medicine expert witnessDue to the human body’s defence system fighting bad bacteria and viruses, people frequently get illnesses. This is also the case in prison. Although you may expect the spread of disease to be less profound in jail, due to the lack of human contact from outside so therefore a lower risk of pathogens entering the prison, the fact is that sometimes people will get ill.

When this situation does arise, even prisoners do have the right to medical attention. This may mean that they need some form of medicine. Being human beings with human rights, they are entitled to the appropriate medicine to deal with the illness that they have attained.

What if an ill patient is then given the wrong type of medicine and it causes their condition to become worse? The physicians have a duty of care to provide the best medical help they can to any patient in the prison that should require it. If they were to prescribe a medicine that caused further harm to the patient, in the same way that it would be construed as misconduct in a normal hospital, likewise in jail there are standards to be adhered to. Of course, human error may lead to the wrong medicine being prescribed for the wrong illness, and although sometimes it will have no effect, in some extreme cases this will actually cause greater harm to the patient. If these effects cause life changing problems with the patient, they may find that they are entitled to claim compensation, despite being in prison.

Correctional medicine expert witnesses will help to provide the evidence required to say whether the prison doctor is liable for the wrong prescription being given. They have the expert knowledge of medicine needed to say whether the actions taken by the doctor were appropriate, if their diagnosis was correct and if their prescription was suitable. If you are trying to launch a claim against negligence of the doctor, first you must need someone with expertise in the field of medicine to defend your claim.

Not all problems due to medicines can be blamed on the doctor, however. Sometimes, any further illness caused may be due to a side-effect or allergic reaction that was unforeseen by everybody. This is where the corrections medicine expert witness would assist; they will be able to determine whether the doctor took the necessary precautions against any further problems, and if not, compensation may be claimed.

Corrections Medicine Experts In Court