Aviation Industry and Expert Witnesses

Litigation is one of the most important aspects of an aviation system. The role of an expert witness is crucial in aviation industry. Incidents and accidents that occur in aviation are analyzed in-depth by the expert witness in case of air crashes or business disputes.

Anyone who feels cheated by the aviation industry in any respect is eligible to hire an expert witness. A girl who was a pilot student in one of the renowned aviation school filed a litigation against her instructor and the aviation school, claiming that her injuries and bruises were caused in a training accident happened due to shear negligence of her instructor. Her instructor failed to follow the adhered rules  as per the aviation guidelines mentioned in the training manual. The role of the aviation expert witness in this case was to prove that in other similar incidents other aviation schools used a sophisticated machine in the aircraft, in case of any machinery failure in the aircraft the pilot still controls the plane, averting fatal incidents. The result of the litigation was in favour of the girl.

In most of the aviation cases the attorney’s depend entirely on the expert witness. Due to the extreme technicality of this industry the expert witness has to explain to the jury, the technical side in way it can be easily understood. Cases where the expert is hired by the attorney’s it is often seen that disputes related to fees are frequent. It is better to sign an agreement for this. Some cases need only one expert whereas other cases justify more than one expert. The aviation expert witness can be either an air traffic control expert, aviation weather expert or human factors expert. Choosing the right expert for the case becomes the most important task.

The aviation expert is expected to report the truth in front of the jury members, irrespective of what effect it will have on his/her client’s case. The expert can be fined with perjury in case it is discovered that expert lied or mislead the court to turn the decision in their favour. Situation such a plane crashing the expert is expected to provide his opinion on how the crash occurred and what factors led to the aviation based crash.

Aviation expert witnesses are experts in their field and they are expected to give 100% results in any case they handle.

Aviation Industry and Expert Witnesses