Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Expert Witnesses

Chemistry is the study of composition and the properties of matter and the changes it undergoes. In Bucky’s layman’s terms, it is the taking of things and breaking it apart and finding out what it’s made of and how we can combine two things to make it more interesting.

Chemistry helps in the development of medicine. Chemist can get together and mix chemicals until they come up with the right solution. Another thing Chemistry contributes to is the developing of new types of fuels. Bucky claims that Chemistry can help solve the mysteries of the universe.

There are only two things in the universe and this is matter and energy. Matter is any substance or material (i.e. table, chair, human, air etc) with the exception of Energy which will be explained later on. There are three types of matter: solid, liquid, gas. Solids have a definite shape and volume, meaning if you have a certain object, like for example and ice, you can see its shape and the space it takes up. When looked at under a microscope, a solid’s particles are packed really tight and jammed together which is why when it is picked up it doesn’t flow out or move around.

Liquid, on the other hand, is defined as no definite shape but has a definite volume. Like for example water, it would take up the shape of whatever it is placed into like a cup or a bowl but it is still taking up the same area in the universe. Liquid particles are clumped together and have room to flow. Gas particles are all over the place, it has no definite shape or volume. An example of this is steam, no shape and you can’t measure its volume.

An analytical chemistry expert witness takes all his knowledge and experience in the chemistry field and applies it within a court of law during litigious proceedings. They can be a very valuable asset for tough cases where analysis of certain compounds is necessary.

Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Expert Witnesses