Aviation Expert Witnesses For Cases Involving Aircraft

Aviation expert witness post by Sam C.

aviation expert witnessesWhen you take to the air, you are quite literally putting your life in the hands of the pilots and of the technicians. You are trusting that the aircraft has been built to the standard expected, and that the pilots control the flight of the aircraft in the safest and most appropriate manner possible. Fortunately, airplanes and helicopters and other types of aircraft are nearly always perfectly constructed, and perform all of their journeys without problems. However, there are some occasions where something goes badly wrong, and it causes the vehicle to malfunction and can cause them to crash in the most extreme of cases.

As a passenger or even as a pilot of a plane, you would hope that nobody would intentionally do something that would cause the aircraft to fail. Obviously there have been cases where passengers on board have caused the airplane to crash, but the majority of crashes are due to mistakes made in the production of the plane, or mistakes made in the flight path or execution of the flight on board. In these cases, it is more likely that the negligence of somebody involved in the plane’s production or the negligence of somebody involved in the flight itself caused the aircraft to fail and crash. For this reason, aviation expert witnesses are required to provide their expertise in a litigation claim.

Aviation expert witnesses are specialists in the field of aviation; they know all of the procedures that should have been taken when the aircraft was constructed, as well as during the pre-flight checks and whilst they are in the air. They provide the litigation support as well as providing testimony in court. These people are leading experts in their field and they are excellent consultants if you are considering a referral for a court case. They are recognised as having a significant authority in court as they have more knowledge on the subject than any other person, so these expert witnesses are certainly a necessity if you are planning on launching a successful claim.

Compensation is something that many people may feel they are entitled to, but without the expertise of an expert witness it is unlikely that you are going to know for sure whether you are entitled to a claim or not. It is therefore vital that you get a referral from an aviation expert witness as well as getting their advice before launching a claim.

Aviation Expert Witnesses For Cases Involving Aircraft

There Is Even A Need For Pilot Expert Witnesses

Pilot expert post by Sam C.

pilot expert witnessesA pilot expert witness is on hand to help you if ever you are planning on engaging in some form of litigation against a pilot, airline or airport company. They perform a vital role in ensuring that you have sufficient evidence and authority on which to stake a claim and will be able to help your case in multiple different ways.

Acting in a consultant role they are very important in ensuring that you have a claim in the first place. They will put their qualifications and expertise to good use by assessing the problem that you have had and comparing the conduct to the standards that are expected. Most expert witnesses have had years of experience dealing with many different cases, and if you are lucky they may even have dealt with a case that is very similar to yours. In such situations, your pilot expert witness will be able to tell you very quickly whether or not they had success in that  aircraft or airport based legal case and therefore give you the confidence to pursue any claim. They will also be able to outline who it is that the claim should be brought against. It can often be difficult to say who was at fault; was it the pilot or the airport? Bringing the claim against the wrong person can cost a lot of money and waste time and energy that should be devoted to a successful claim.

The litigation support that the pilot expert witness provides does not end there, though. Your lawyer needs to have a good idea of the profession in order to put your case forward in an effective way. Few lawyers will know about all the technicalities of the pilot profession, but through consultation with the pilot expert witness they will soon become well aware of all the important information. The expert witness will give an outline of the type of information to look out for in the bulk of evidence that is provided and they will also ensure that your lawyer is sufficiently up to speed to be able to present your case. A lawyer with an understanding of the topic is likely to better persuade the court as to the validity of your claim.

Finally, the expert witness will be able to present their expert knowledge through testimony in court. This enables the strength of the evidence to be tested and a good expert witness will be able to stay strong and ensure that your points are put across in the most effective way. You can be sure that if a specialist is supporting your claim in court, you stand a much better chance of success.

There Is Even A Need For Pilot Expert Witnesses

Aircraft Manufacturing and the Associated Liability

aircraft post by Sam C.

aircraft manufacturing expert witnessIn the last few decades, air travel has become the primary mode of transport. Whether they are going on a business trip or on holiday, taking a plane is usually the quickest and cheapest way of getting from A to B. With nearly 50,000 flights throughout the world every day, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are in the air at any given moment.

When we are in the air, we may feel a little bit nervous; after all, we are in a big metal container travelling at thousands of miles per hour a few thousand feet in the air! However, we tend to trust the physics behind it, safe in the knowledge that the risk of an accident is very low. Indeed, aircraft travel is one of the safest ways to travel; it is often the case that the activity with the greatest risk is the safest.

However, even so, there is always a chance of injury whilst you are flying. Planes often suffer from turbulence whilst in the air and are usually designed to ensure that this doesn’t affect the comfort of the journey. However, problems may begin to arise if the airplane is poorly manufactured. Most of the attention is focused on ensuring that the aircraft will stay in the air and, whilst this is of course important, it should not be to the detriment of the well-being of passengers.

Suppose, for example, that the seatbelts have not been correctly installed, meaning that they do not afford sufficient flexibility to the passenger. When the plane hits turbulence, the seatbelt may restrict the movement of the passenger too much, meaning that they suffer injuries to the abdominal area. This can be very serious as most of the major organs are to be found in that area.

If you do suffer injuries whilst on an airplane, it is worth visiting an aircraft manufacturing expert witness to see if you may be able to recover damages for your injuries. The expert witness will take a look at both the airplane and the injuries that you have suffered, and come to a conclusion as to whether they could have been avoided had the plane been constructed correctly. They will also be willing to provide evidence that may tip the balance in your favor when you are in court. We do not expect to suffer injuries when we are flying. If you do, then visit an expert witness to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve.

Aircraft Manufacturing and the Associated Liability