Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Michael Jackson’s death was a shock to the entire world. What was more shocking was the cause of his death. Many believed he died to cardiac arrest, but when the truth was revealed in the court no one was able to believe it. The reason for his death was his addiction to a powerful pain medicine. He got addicted to this drug because of his inability to sleep in the night. The medicine helped him sleep. The over dose of this medicine caused his death. All these were the findings of an addiction medicine expert witness who was hired by the doctor who is believed to have given Jackson that drug.

Addiction can be fatal. The young generation considers drinking alcohol a status symbol. There is nothing wrong in that provided the drinking is done occasionally and used to relax the mind. Alcohol relaxes us to an extent that it makes us talk more than we want and this also helps us in socializing. However, this can turn into a permanent addiction which can be dangerous. It is easy to get addicted to something, but it is a mountainous task to come out of that addiction. To get their problem fixed people turn to medication, this help them live without consuming alcohol. Medication can promise numerous things, but it is not always necessary they fulfil their promise every time. The medicine can even have a negative effect on you and can cause harm.

The expert witness comes in handy in such situations. They are experienced people generally expert in pharmacology. They guide the individual on whether they have a rightful claim in case litigation is filed. Their findings are based on the severity of the harm caused by the medication. If the individual has a rightful claim, expert witnesses provide testimony in the court. Their testimony is extremely important for any claim.

Addiction medicine expert witnesses are difficult to find. What is most importance is finding a qualified expert based on addiction. Addiction can be of internet, mobile phones, alcohols, drug, pornography, sex, etc., for these different types of addictions different expert witnesses are available.

For those who are under any sort of medication for addiction and have been harmed or injured by the chemical reaction of these medicines, should consult an addiction medicine expert witness. Thinking such accidents as coincidence is wrong. In such a case the individual has a rightful claim and without fear should approach the court.

Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Addiction Medicine and Litigation

post by Sam C.

addiction medicine expert witnessesMany people drink alcohol on a daily basis. It can be very nice to relax with some friends in a bar after a long day at work, and just have a few drinks to settle into the evening. It can help with socializing; the alcohol results in a relaxing of our inhibitions and lets us open up more than we otherwise would. When indulging in moderation, there is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol.

However, the unfortunate truth is that it is all too easy for drinking alcohol to descend into an addiction. The more that we drink, the more that we feel we have to drink. This is not helped by the excessive peer pressure that many people are placed under; they think that if they stop drinking then they will be looked at differently within the group, and so drink much more than they should. Sadly, this is a slippery slope. Alcohol addiction can have a devastating effect on the individual and on their family, who are forced to watch their family member slowly dying.

It can be incredibly difficult to kick an addiction. There is a lot of support out there for those who are willing to attend, but many are too self conscious or embarrassed to attend a group. Many of these people will instead turn to medication, which is designed to slowly enable you to function without resorting to alcohol.

Suppose that these drugs fail to work; you will spend a lot of money trying to get your problem fixed, with promises that you will succeed, yet not getting any return for your investment. Alternatively, suppose that these drugs harm you in some way; the last thing you want when trying to use medication is for it to affect your health.

If this happens to you, you should immediately contact an addiction medicine expert witness. They have experience of working in a medical environment and are usually experts in pharmacology. As such, they will be able to advise you as to whether you have a claim based upon the defects in the medication that you have been taking. If you do have a valid claim, they will also assist you during your trial by providing the expert testimony you need to convince the court as to the importance of your claim. If you have an addiction, it is very important that you get the help you need; you should not allow this to be undermined by defective medication.

Addictions Medicine and Litigation