Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Michael Jackson’s death was a shock to the entire world. What was more shocking was the cause of his death. Many believed he died to cardiac arrest, but when the truth was revealed in the court no one was able to believe it. The reason for his death was his addiction to a powerful pain medicine. He got addicted to this drug because of his inability to sleep in the night. The medicine helped him sleep. The over dose of this medicine caused his death. All these were the findings of an addiction medicine expert witness who was hired by the doctor who is believed to have given Jackson that drug.

Addiction can be fatal. The young generation considers drinking alcohol a status symbol. There is nothing wrong in that provided the drinking is done occasionally and used to relax the mind. Alcohol relaxes us to an extent that it makes us talk more than we want and this also helps us in socializing. However, this can turn into a permanent addiction which can be dangerous. It is easy to get addicted to something, but it is a mountainous task to come out of that addiction. To get their problem fixed people turn to medication, this help them live without consuming alcohol. Medication can promise numerous things, but it is not always necessary they fulfil their promise every time. The medicine can even have a negative effect on you and can cause harm.

The expert witness comes in handy in such situations. They are experienced people generally expert in pharmacology. They guide the individual on whether they have a rightful claim in case litigation is filed. Their findings are based on the severity of the harm caused by the medication. If the individual has a rightful claim, expert witnesses provide testimony in the court. Their testimony is extremely important for any claim.

Addiction medicine expert witnesses are difficult to find. What is most importance is finding a qualified expert based on addiction. Addiction can be of internet, mobile phones, alcohols, drug, pornography, sex, etc., for these different types of addictions different expert witnesses are available.

For those who are under any sort of medication for addiction and have been harmed or injured by the chemical reaction of these medicines, should consult an addiction medicine expert witness. Thinking such accidents as coincidence is wrong. In such a case the individual has a rightful claim and without fear should approach the court.

Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses

Emergency room expert post by Sam C.

emergency room expert witness referralsIf you end up in the emergency room, you will be expecting the best possible help for whatever has happened to you. The chances are that you will be in a lot of pain and will be hoping for treatment which will not only ease the pain, but will also help you begin your recovery back to full health. The vast majority of the time, the medicines given and the treatment provided will be beneficial and is going to only improve the situation.

However, there may be rare occasions when errors are made in the emergency room and something goes horribly wrong. For example, a doctor could misdiagnose the problem that somebody comes into the emergency room with, hence providing the wrong treatment for them. They may be given an antiviral drug when they actually needed an antibacterial drug, or they may be given a drug that they are allergic to. Under these circumstances, the likelihood is that the problem will at best stay the same, but could also worsen the problem significantly.

This is where an emergency room expert witness is the key to ensure that the best advice can be provided. They know all of the procedures that should have been taken in the emergency room to make sure that the medicines provided were the correct type and that everything was done correctly with respect to checking the medical history of the patient. For example, if there was an allergy issue, if this was known about then the patient should not have received this treatment, and something different should have been done. An emergency room expert witness will be able to determine whether the correct procedures were taken in order to make the right decision in defending the case.

These expert witnesses are leading experts in the field of medicine. They have the necessary qualifications to not only know the procedures that should have been taken, but also what medicines should have been used in place of the ones actually used. It is therefore important, if you have suffered from what you feel to be negligence from the doctor in the emergency room, to make a referral with a consultant before launching a claim in the courts. The expert witness will provide the best advice possible as well as litigation support, and will also testify in court, as they have an authority that could convince the jury to back you and your claim.

Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses

Gastroenterology Expert Witnesses!!

Gastroenterology expert post by Sam C.

Gastroenterology expert witnessesAs with any other internal disease, the main worry is that it will worsen and develop problems that need some surgery in order to make a full recovery. The problem with intestinal diseases is that they can quickly spread from being a minor issue in a small area, to become a serious problem covering a large surface of the inner body, potentially leading to appendicitis, ulcers or even cancers.

The most important thing to do is to identify any problems early on and attempt to quickly fix the issue before any serious or permanent damage is done. It is equally important to correctly identify the issue, and to ensure that the correct treatment is used so that the damage caused is minimal.

Although doctors are often specialised in certain areas of medicine, even when a patient is admitted to them with a problem in which they are specialised, there is always the chance that a mistake is made, either in the diagnosis or in the treatment. This can either result in the original problem not being sorted, in which case the discomfort still exists for the patient and could get worse, or further problems can be caused due to surgery and drugs used when they weren’t needed. If this is the situation, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and for the malpractice or negligence of the surgeon. However, if you are intending to make a claim for compensation, it is vital to make a referral with a gastroenterology expert witness, as their consultants can provide the best advice for your individual situation.

The expert witnesses are leading experts in gastroenterology, and they are certified doctors with all the qualifications needed that give them the expert knowledge to base a judgement on whether you may have a case or not. They are specialists and will know all the procedures that the doctors should have gone through before and during the treatment in order to correctly diagnose and treat the problem. This means that they have a good authority in the courts to defend a case in favour of either the defence or the prosecution, and therefore have an important role to play in convincing the jury in favour of your case. These expert witnesses will provide litigation support and testimony when your claim makes it into the courtroom, and may prove pivotal in winning you the case.

Gastroenterology Expert Witnesses!!

Occupational and Industrial Medicine Expert Witnesses

occupational and industrial medicine expert witness post by Sam C.

occupational and industrial medicine expert witnessesThe human body has a number of defence mechanisms that can help to stave off viruses and bacteria. We can get illnesses from all sorts of places, including our place of work. Although you may not feel it initially (the body often seems to make you able to function perfectly normally whilst you’re working), when you get home you may finally succumb and feel the symptoms.

This can be very frustrating and can leave you unable to work for an extended period of time. Because of this, and the disruption that it may cause you, people will take medication that will hopefully provide your immune system with a boost and will get you back working in no time.

However, what if the medication that is given to you causes your condition to become worse? The occupational and industrial medicine pharmacologists have a duty of care to provide the best medicines that they can and to test them thoroughly to ensure that the risk of side effects is minimal. If they were to create a medicine that caused further harm to the patient, it is very possible that there has been some misconduct or negligence in the testing process. Of course, not all side effects can be compensated for; there are usually warnings on the medication that warn you of the potential complications that may arise out of taking it, so you will probably need something exceptional to happen to you. If these effects cause life changing problems for you, you may find that they are entitled to claim compensation.

Occupational and industrial medicine expert witnesses will help to provide the evidence required to say whether the pharmacologist can be held liable for the injuries that you have suffered. They have years of expertise working with medicines that are put to good use in saying whether the tests conducted by the pharmacologist were appropriate, if they have conducted rigorous tests or if there are any other errors during the manufacturing process. If you are trying to launch a claim against a negligent pharmacologist, you will require somebody who is a certified specialist in the field of medicine to help defend your claim.

Not all problems caused by medicines can be blamed on the pharmacologist. Sometimes, any further illness caused may be due to a side-effect or allergic reaction that was unforeseen by everybody. This is where the occupational and industrial medicine expert witness would assist; they will be able to determine whether the doctor took the necessary precautions against any further problems, and if not, compensation may be claimed. Make sure you get the litigation support you need to win your case.

Occupational and Industrial Medicine Expert Witnesses

Physical Medicine Experts and Your Court Case

Physical medicine authority post by: Sam C.

physical medicine expert witnessesPhysical medicine expert witnesses are on hand to provide vital litigation support and consultation throughout your trial. However, before we turn to how they may help your claim on the way to success, you need to have a good understanding of what is really entailed by physical medicine.

Physical medicine is the area of medical science that deals with the way in which the body works. We may not like to admit it, but our bodies are incredibly vulnerable. We regularly succumb to viruses and bacteria and the smallest of falls can leave us with muscular or skeletal injuries.

What physical medics try to do is to reduce the effect that such incidents have on your life. They do this mainly through the use of medication. By developing drugs, you can alleviate pain and suffering and help on the road to recovery. Indeed, the area has recently been the subject of major advances that not only help to remedy injuries, but will also help to strengthen your body against further problems. This is a vital area of medical sciences and one that is likely to continue to save lives in the future.

Suppose that these drugs fail to work; you will spend a lot of money trying to get your problem fixed, with promises that you will succeed, yet not getting any return for your investment. Alternatively, suppose that these drugs harm you in some way; the last thing you want when trying to use medication is for it to affect your health.

If this happens to you, you should immediately contact a physical medicine expert witness. They have experience of working in a medical environment and are usually certified pharmacologists. As such, they will be able to advise you as to whether you have a claim based upon the defects in the medication that you have been taking. If you do have a valid claim, they will also assist you during your trial by providing the expert testimony you need to convince the court as to the importance of your claim. They will translate the technical medical language into terms that the court will understand, which is vital if you are to win your case. They will put their expertise to good use and help to outline to the court the negligence that is likely to have taken place. If you have an ailment, it is very important that you get the help you need; you should not allow this to be undermined by defective medication.

Physical Medicine Experts and Your Court Case

Environmental Medicine Experts For A Legal Case

environmental medicine expert post by: Sam C.

environmental medicine expert witnessThere has historically been many beliefs that a person’s health is intrinsically linked to the environment. In the past, it was somewhat unscientific; the prevailing view was that illness was caused by bad smells (which explains why the majority of medicines of the time were predominately herb based and ‘administered’ by inhalation. However, once understanding of the human body began to grow, so the opinion that health was linked to the environment began to decline; it was bacteria that caused us to be ill instead.

In more modern times, there has been a resurgence of the traditional view, with a more scientific approach to make it more plausible. Once such view is that the depleting ozone layer is contributing to an increase in the rates of skin cancer; the environment being a cause of a decline in human health. More pertinent is the increasing desire to resort to nuclear power to replace the traditional fossil fuels. Nuclear power stations are usually incredibly safe, but they have the potential to be devastating. The radioactive materials are incredibly carcinogenic if they are mismanaged, and the disaster in Chernobyl shows just how awful the effects can be.

Such incidents are very rare and it is highly unlikely that it will happen again. However, there is a great fear as to the long term effects of living nearby a nuclear power station. We are always exposed to radiation naturally in the atmosphere. By living near a nuclear power station you are greatly increasing the level of exposure to radiation that you receive from the environment. This means there is a greater chance of falling ill.

If you do come to some harm as a result of environmental radiation, it is well worth visiting an environmental medicine expert witness. The important task that they can perform is in determining whether your injuries could have been avoided. The expert witness will assess your circumstances; look at all the various potential sources of the injury and come to a determination as to the root cause. If this is negligence, particularly negligence within the nuclear power station, then you will have a vital piece of evidence to support your claim in court. The expert witness will also provide testimony, either in written or oral form, during the trial. Without this, you would be left having to bring a claim in the hope of being able to eventually prove negligence; this is inadvisable and makes it much less likely that you will succeed. Contacting an environmental medicine expert witness will greatly increase your chances of receiving adequate compensation for the injuries that were not your fault.

Environmental Medicine Experts For A Legal Case

Cardiothoracic Surgery and Court Cases

post by Sam C.

cardiothoracic expert witnessCardiothoracic surgery is a potentially life threatening operation, so therefore the patient must feel confident that the surgeons are adequately trained and that they will perform the surgery in the safest and most successful way.

Since cardiothoracic surgery can involve open heart and open lung operations, they clearly come with a risk of quite damaging effects; the most obvious and immediate being a fatality for the patient, but also longer term discomfort or further damage to the vital organs, which could leave the patient in a lot of pain, or so physically disabled that they are no longer able to work. Without compensation, these unfortunate patients would find their regular lifestyle very difficult to maintain.

Having said this, these problems caused after surgery may not be due to the failure of the surgeon to successfully operate on the patient. Cardiothoracic surgery is the surgical treatment of diseases affecting vital organs. Though this does mean operating on organs such as the heart and lungs, it may not necessarily be the surgeons fault if the operation does not completely eradicate all discomfort of the patient. For example, it may be that the disease has already caused too much of an adverse effect on an organ that it is simply untreatable. Though the patient may feel let down by the efforts of the doctors, it may not be their fault if there is no way of treating the disease, in fact they will have done everything in their power to limit the effects and stop the spreading.

However, sometimes the surgeon is at fault and under these circumstances a cardiothoracic surgery expert witness is required to successfully acquire the compensation that the patient deserves. Such an expert will know all the precautions and procedures that the surgeons should have taken before and during surgery, and they can determine whether the injury was preventable, and whether a claim should be made or not.

It is important that the patient is aware of the situation before making a claim for compensation, so the cardiothoracic surgery expert witness is there to determine whether the injury was caused due to negligence of the surgeon and whether there is a case to be won. The expert is needed to provide substantial evidence for the courts to decide that there is a case in favour of compensation, and for this reason they are very important in aiding the future of those suffering from injuries that were not their own fault.

Cardiothoracic Surgery and Court Cases

Corrections Medicine Experts In Court

corrections medicine post by Sam C.

corrections medicine expert witnessDue to the human body’s defence system fighting bad bacteria and viruses, people frequently get illnesses. This is also the case in prison. Although you may expect the spread of disease to be less profound in jail, due to the lack of human contact from outside so therefore a lower risk of pathogens entering the prison, the fact is that sometimes people will get ill.

When this situation does arise, even prisoners do have the right to medical attention. This may mean that they need some form of medicine. Being human beings with human rights, they are entitled to the appropriate medicine to deal with the illness that they have attained.

What if an ill patient is then given the wrong type of medicine and it causes their condition to become worse? The physicians have a duty of care to provide the best medical help they can to any patient in the prison that should require it. If they were to prescribe a medicine that caused further harm to the patient, in the same way that it would be construed as misconduct in a normal hospital, likewise in jail there are standards to be adhered to. Of course, human error may lead to the wrong medicine being prescribed for the wrong illness, and although sometimes it will have no effect, in some extreme cases this will actually cause greater harm to the patient. If these effects cause life changing problems with the patient, they may find that they are entitled to claim compensation, despite being in prison.

Correctional medicine expert witnesses will help to provide the evidence required to say whether the prison doctor is liable for the wrong prescription being given. They have the expert knowledge of medicine needed to say whether the actions taken by the doctor were appropriate, if their diagnosis was correct and if their prescription was suitable. If you are trying to launch a claim against negligence of the doctor, first you must need someone with expertise in the field of medicine to defend your claim.

Not all problems due to medicines can be blamed on the doctor, however. Sometimes, any further illness caused may be due to a side-effect or allergic reaction that was unforeseen by everybody. This is where the corrections medicine expert witness would assist; they will be able to determine whether the doctor took the necessary precautions against any further problems, and if not, compensation may be claimed.

Corrections Medicine Experts In Court

Is A Geriatrics Expert Witness Necessary?

post by Sam C.

The legal system places much in store on its credibility and indefeasibility. To the layman looking in, the court must appear to be infallible; ensuring that justice is done whilst taking into account any mitigating circumstances, for justice is about fair punishment rather than retribution. It is because of this that a number of pleas negating mens rea have developed, some examples being insanity and diminished capacity.

The problem is particularly acute as we get older. Many elderly people suffer from various forms of dementia, and it is very important that the court has this in mind throughout the trial. Take, for example, a situation where a case hinges upon the testament of an elderly person who is suffering an advanced form of dementia. If great weight is placed upon this evidence it is very possible that the decision will always be seen as somewhat unsafe, for the conviction may be based upon evidence given by somebody whose account may be in doubt. Similarly, if a person with dementia commits a crime and is forced to enter a plea the case may be seen as unsafe, for a person who is not laboring under the ailment may be able to construct a case and defend themselves in a much more effective way. The law depends upon the confidence of the public, and unsafe convictions do much to undermine this confidence.

It is therefore essential that geriatrics expert witness is consulted in any case that involves an elderly person. This should really be a precursor to the actual trial, particularly where the case involves the elderly person as the defendant, for the court needs to know before any plea is entered whether the person involved has the capacity to enter such a plea. If the expert witness decides that they cannot, the court has a number of options open to it, ranging from allowing them to walk free to detaining them in a mental health hospital. Where the elderly person is giving evidence, it is also important to gain the advice of a geriatrics expert witness as soon as possible; the last thing that you want is to put a large emphasis on the evidence of a person who is later found to be incapable of giving such evidence.

Of course, not all elderly people suffer from dementia but it is much better to be safe rather than sorry. More importantly, the geriatrics expert witness reinforces the credibility of the legal system, which is, in itself, an essential endeavor.

Is A Geriatrics Expert Witness Necessary?

Using A General Surgery Expert Witness For Your Court Case

post by Sam C.

When we go under the knife, we are quite literally putting our life in somebody else’s hands. We therefore expect a certain standard of care to be adhered to. Surgeons train for years in order to ensure that they do not make mistakes, for a mistake can leave lasting, sometimes fatal effects upon the unfortunate patient.

Yet, as in any profession relying on the skill of an individual, there is a risk of human error, and even the best trained physicians are prone to making mistakes every now and again. The problem is that a mistake in surgery can have both immediate and long term consequences. Not only can it leave you unable to attend work for a period of time, it can also seriously harm your chances of finding alternative employment. This can seriously affect your lifestyle if you do not receive adequate compensation.

This is not to say that every injury suffered during surgery is due to the fault of the surgeon. We cannot be sure how the body will react to the shock of the operation and the surgeon may be simply be responding to an emergency. If this is the case, then the surgeon is clearly not at fault, for he has evaded what could have been an even more severe incident. If, however, the complications have been caused by the surgeon then it is clear that you should be able to be compensated for the incident.

This is where a general surgery expert witness is key. Such an expert knows in detail the procedures that the reasonable surgeon should take and can outline whether the injury suffered was owing to conduct falling below the standard that could be reasonably expected of the surgeon. This information is vitally important if you are to launch a claim based upon the negligence of the surgeon during the surgery. It may also be very important for claims on your insurance, for the terms of your policy may depend upon whether the injury suffered was caused by the surgeon, or whether there were supervening causes.

Attorneys are very well adept at dealing with medical negligence cases, but they cannot win a case unless they can convince the court that the injuries suffered were negligently caused. Without a general surgery expert witness, the case can only be based upon speculation which is very unconvincing. The expert evidence can go a long way to ensuring that you are not made to suffer for injuries that were not your fault.

Using A General Surgery Expert Witness For Your Court Case