Environmental Engineer Expert Witness For Your Case

Environmental engineer expert post by Sam C.

environmental engineer expert witnessesOver the last few years there has been an increased appreciation of the effect that our actions are having on the environment. The international effort has made the struggle against climate change very public, with numerous summits, conferences and legislative enactments in order to try and regulate uniformly the environmental standards that need to be adhered to if we are to enjoy living on a healthy planet for many years to come. In spite of these efforts, there are some people who will breach the legislation believing that no repercussions will come to them. The real problem is that much of this legislation can be quite complex and difficult for people to understand. As a result, prosecutions may be quite rare and even when they do arise, the evidential difficulties in analysing the climatic effect of the activities may act as something of a bar to any success.

It is in this sort of situation that an environmental engineer is a vitally important component in ensuring success during the trial. These are generally environmental scientists that are affiliated to educational establishments and are therefore specialists in the field. They will be able to assist the case in many different ways.

The first way is through simple consultation. Before you bring a case you want to make sure that there is a realistic chance of success. Trials are very expensive; you need to pay for your lawyers, for the court time and there may be all manner of further costs that arise at times. You only want to be doing this if you are sure that you have a chance of success. The expert witness will be able to put all of his expertise to the test in order to ensure that you have an accurate estimation of your chances.

Yet, knowing that you have a chance of success is one thing; actually getting the success is another. Your lawyer needs to have at least some understanding of the case if he is to present the information in the most effective way, but what we tend to forget is that our well educated lawyers are almost certainly as much a novice as we are when it comes to complicated environmental matters. The litigation support provided by the environmental engineer expert witness will ensure that he has sufficient understanding of the topic to be able to present it in a convincing manner. When you add in the fact that the expert witness will also be able to provide testimony during the trial, it becomes obvious how important they are.

Environmental Engineer Expert Witness For Your Case

Environmental Impact Studies Expert Witnesses

Environmental impact expert post by Sam C.

environmental impact studies expert witnessesWe are always looking to decrease the size of our carbon footprint. It has become apparent over the last couple of decades that the way we used to live did very little for the sustainability of the planet. It also became very clear that the way we treated the natural world was incredibly poor. Destroying huge swathes of woodland in order to build factories that spewed out harmful and toxic chemicals could hardly be said to have looked after wildlife, and it wasn’t long before various animal protection groups were established and began campaigning to try and prevent extinctions of species that would no doubt have ensued…thus impacting our environment severely.

In response to this, legislation and ordnances were enacted in order to set standards that regulated the type of activities and the sheer quantity of pollutants that could be emitted on certain patches of land. The idea behind this was to force the hand of the companies and make them resort to more renewable sources of energy instead of the traditional fuels of coal and oil. Unfortunately, all it has done is to encourage them to do exactly what they always have done, just in a more covert fashion. Rather than spewing out a large quantity of pollution at one time, they will let it out in more regular fashion and dispose of it in many different ways that can still cause a lot of harm to the environment. This is notoriously difficult to prove in evidence; the only way that you can be sure is by taking an assessment of the surrounding area and then making an educated assumption about why the environmental health has deteriorated.

For this sort of information, you need somebody that has compiled years worth of data and is a specialist in determining the effect of pollution on the environment. This is the domain of the environmental impact studies expert witness. They are usually university professors who have many qualifications and have conducted much research into the field of the environment. They will provide the relevant data and their conclusions in relation to it in order that you have something substantive to base a claim on. They will also come to court on the day of the trial and provide testimony that will allow your lawyer to draw on their expertise and state your claim much more effectively. The litigation support that they will provide is vitally important if you are to succeed in your claim.

Environmental Impact Studies Expert Witnesses

Environmental Medicine Experts For A Legal Case

environmental medicine expert post by: Sam C.

environmental medicine expert witnessThere has historically been many beliefs that a person’s health is intrinsically linked to the environment. In the past, it was somewhat unscientific; the prevailing view was that illness was caused by bad smells (which explains why the majority of medicines of the time were predominately herb based and ‘administered’ by inhalation. However, once understanding of the human body began to grow, so the opinion that health was linked to the environment began to decline; it was bacteria that caused us to be ill instead.

In more modern times, there has been a resurgence of the traditional view, with a more scientific approach to make it more plausible. Once such view is that the depleting ozone layer is contributing to an increase in the rates of skin cancer; the environment being a cause of a decline in human health. More pertinent is the increasing desire to resort to nuclear power to replace the traditional fossil fuels. Nuclear power stations are usually incredibly safe, but they have the potential to be devastating. The radioactive materials are incredibly carcinogenic if they are mismanaged, and the disaster in Chernobyl shows just how awful the effects can be.

Such incidents are very rare and it is highly unlikely that it will happen again. However, there is a great fear as to the long term effects of living nearby a nuclear power station. We are always exposed to radiation naturally in the atmosphere. By living near a nuclear power station you are greatly increasing the level of exposure to radiation that you receive from the environment. This means there is a greater chance of falling ill.

If you do come to some harm as a result of environmental radiation, it is well worth visiting an environmental medicine expert witness. The important task that they can perform is in determining whether your injuries could have been avoided. The expert witness will assess your circumstances; look at all the various potential sources of the injury and come to a determination as to the root cause. If this is negligence, particularly negligence within the nuclear power station, then you will have a vital piece of evidence to support your claim in court. The expert witness will also provide testimony, either in written or oral form, during the trial. Without this, you would be left having to bring a claim in the hope of being able to eventually prove negligence; this is inadvisable and makes it much less likely that you will succeed. Contacting an environmental medicine expert witness will greatly increase your chances of receiving adequate compensation for the injuries that were not your fault.

Environmental Medicine Experts For A Legal Case

Environmental Litigation: Using An Expert Witness

post by Simi M.

The environmental expert witness is responsible for managing the risks that are possible to happen to the environment. For the purpose of assessing the probable risk to the environment because of some actions taken by a person or an organization, the environmental expert witness team might develop an Environmental Management System to make sure of environmental regulations observance requirements and suggested management practices. Experts and professional witnesses that may supply expert instructions and testimony concerning environmental issues might be found by hitting the regions of expertise found on the web page. Experts discovered on the internet might consult upon issues including environmental forensics, environmental safety and health, and environment impact research.

However, these types of environmental expert witnesses may supply reports as well as expert accounts regarding EPA rules, the Nationwide Environmental Safety Act, as well as recycling. They might also supply expert accounts on polluting of the environment, water or air pollution, as well as lead-based fresh assessment.  Environmental expert witness can help you with following the regulations of the environment ordered by the government o f the state.

Environmental specialists and experts on technology can supply valuable and lawful support within cases including construction difficulties, fires as well as explosions. Other services that should also be offered are

  • commercial problems,
  •  environment contamination,
  •  environment codes,
  • atmosphere emissions quantification
  • Governmental regulating observance.

Expertise within environmental forensics and understanding of chemical qualities allow forensic technology technicians to interpret the actual raw data of the analytic outcomes with precision and may determine patterns where to pull conclusions. Let the forensic chemist supply expert witness and crucial litigation support for the environmentally associated case. If you are looking forward to opening a small business, you sure need to talk to an environmental expert witness before taking the very first step.

Following all the legislative compliance and assessing environmental impact is an intimidating task, and so an environmental expert witness can help you make this path easier for you. An environmental expert will help you understand all the regulations and let you know how to keep abreast of the regulations. For business to be safe, you have to make sure your organization runs assessments over time. Remember to assign every compliance task to an environmental expert witness so stay on the safe side. Once you are off the regulations, your business is vulnerable to lawsuits and your business can be jeopardized.

Environmental Litigation: Using An Expert Witness

Environmental Expert Witness

post by Ammar K.

environmental expert witness

expert witness

You may require the services of an environmental expert witness when you need a testimony on environmental issues. These expert witnesses can offer services like investigating the environment, air evaluation, soil and water pollution and their quality which would be helpful in food growth and provide safety in human health.

The environmental expert witness specialize  in the field of Earth and Environmental sciences which may involve experience in air quality, Ecology, soil contamination, Pollution and Hazardous waste, Radiation, waste management and similar kind of fields regarding environment and atmosphere. His experience may also lead him to be a good advisor for the selection of the land and could possibly suggest the area under construction is safe and easily accessible.

Having respect for nature is necessary to become a good environmental witness. You should have a clear idea about how to use the available resources and give maximum output for the task given which should develop a green and safe environment. You should be able to play your part in minimizing the negative impact of the human beings about nature.

The works of environmental expert witness might include dealing with legal issues of construction, and helping his clients regarding issues such as industrial problems, fires and explosion, environmental codes and contamination and air emission control. They assist an attorney in cases involving chemical accidents.

If you wish to become an environmental expert witness then you should hold a degree in above mentioned subjects along with the love for mother earth. You should understand that your greater duty is towards nature and not money. You should be keen to play your part in society by minimizing the negative impact of human activity on environment.

The fees that a person may take as an environmental expert witness depends upon the scope of service that they provide. Sometimes a lawyer may require that an environmental expert witness does not only give testimony in court but also help him in preparing reports and understanding facts involving the case. Additionally, an environmental expert witness may be asked to attend depositions, a sworn testimony which is given out of the court room where the lawyer is given an opportunity to an opposing party and some witness who would be testifying at trials. An environmental expert witness can help the lawyer in interpreting technical data and scientific knowledge in real and practical terms. Their expert testimony in court can help the jury and judges in reaching a decision for the greater good of community.

Environmental expert witness