Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses

Emergency room expert post by Sam C.

emergency room expert witness referralsIf you end up in the emergency room, you will be expecting the best possible help for whatever has happened to you. The chances are that you will be in a lot of pain and will be hoping for treatment which will not only ease the pain, but will also help you begin your recovery back to full health. The vast majority of the time, the medicines given and the treatment provided will be beneficial and is going to only improve the situation.

However, there may be rare occasions when errors are made in the emergency room and something goes horribly wrong. For example, a doctor could misdiagnose the problem that somebody comes into the emergency room with, hence providing the wrong treatment for them. They may be given an antiviral drug when they actually needed an antibacterial drug, or they may be given a drug that they are allergic to. Under these circumstances, the likelihood is that the problem will at best stay the same, but could also worsen the problem significantly.

This is where an emergency room expert witness is the key to ensure that the best advice can be provided. They know all of the procedures that should have been taken in the emergency room to make sure that the medicines provided were the correct type and that everything was done correctly with respect to checking the medical history of the patient. For example, if there was an allergy issue, if this was known about then the patient should not have received this treatment, and something different should have been done. An emergency room expert witness will be able to determine whether the correct procedures were taken in order to make the right decision in defending the case.

These expert witnesses are leading experts in the field of medicine. They have the necessary qualifications to not only know the procedures that should have been taken, but also what medicines should have been used in place of the ones actually used. It is therefore important, if you have suffered from what you feel to be negligence from the doctor in the emergency room, to make a referral with a consultant before launching a claim in the courts. The expert witness will provide the best advice possible as well as litigation support, and will also testify in court, as they have an authority that could convince the jury to back you and your claim.

Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses

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