What Does an Acoustic Expert Witness Do in the Court?

acoustics expert witnessThe term acoustics refers to the study of sounds involving the factors associated with vibration, noise, and rate of occurrence.  Therefore, an acoustic expert witness is a professional who offers his excellent evidence on the acoustic condition of a specific thing or place.

Sometimes the witness is called the noise professional witness due to the noise of his evidence in the court.  The area of expertise involves the general environment, architectural structures, and buildings.

To become a specialist in this field, an individual must have complied with the court’s requirement.  Some of these requirements are the following: long years of work experience, comprehensive knowledge about all acoustic areas, and a degree bachelor in any related area.

The essence of acoustic authority inside the court is shown in a different way.  This is the reason why there are many kinds of acoustic witnesses.  The need depends mainly on the field of their expertise and where do they focus on.  For example, in the medical area, some professionals are requested to recognize the effects of various levels of sound on the individual.  They state in the court how to cure the injured person.  Occasionally, these people are referred to as audio experts with specialization on certain areas.  These areas are the sound transmission, sound waves, sound reception and the sound propagation.

Significance of the Profession

As stated, there are a many kinds of professionals on acoustic fields.  Every one of them takes charge of the function whether inside or outside the court.  Such roles are these:

  • They give suitable advice to give solution to the noise and sound problem.
  • They give assessment evaluation and information about the system’s sound proof of the building.
  • When not in court, these specialists can office counsel on the right way of setting up a good sound system—to avoid noise and problems on sound.
  • They give reports and surveys about noise.
  • They stand for the client when in court.  They give full support in every possible way because they are properly informed on legitimate laws related to noise.
  • They do the representation of the client in the court.

If there is a need for the services of an acoustic expert witness, there are lots them and can be easily contacted. Only one thing is important: determine the kind of acoustic expert witness you need and the reasons why.  And if you want a reputable company that offers expert witnesses, the Internet is always the best source of information in your local area.

What Does an Acoustic Expert Witness Do in the Court?

Expert Witness: Ballistics and More

Ballistics expert authority post by Sam C.

ballistics expert witness referralsThe use of ballistics in everyday use is very rare, and even rarer do they cause damage to property or injury to people. That isn’t to say, however, that incidents involving ballistics don’t occur on some occasions.

Obviously the consequences of damage caused by explosives can be very serious, and these consequences could lead to expensive or even life changing costs. If the use of ballistics causes damage to property, it could be so serious that it destroys a home, or it ruins vehicles or something else of high value. If this is the case, you would feel aggrieved if you had to pay the cost of the damages. Similarly, if an explosion caused by ballistics led to personal injury, it could potentially be so damaging that it means you are unable to continue working and it could completely change your life, so you would therefore feel entitled to compensation to cover the costs you have suffered.

However, not all injury or damage caused to you or your property necessarily entitles you to compensation. The damage would have to have been caused by the negligence or the fault of another person, so for you to automatically assume that you are eligible to receive some sort of payment would be a mistake. If you were handling the ballistics, for example, but you didn’t know the proper way to handle and use them and hence caused the damage yourself, you couldn’t blame the distributors for your mistake. This is where ballistics expert witnesses are vital.

Ballistics expert witnesses are specialists in the field of ballistics and explosives. They are leading experts, which enables them to make a better judgement on whether you are likely to have a winnable case or not. They have the necessary expertise to not only determine what happened to make the situation so severe, but also to provide litigation support and to testify in the courtroom in order to maximise the chance of you winning your case. The expert witnesses have all the necessary qualifications and are certified to provide the best possible advice for any situation involving ballistics.

Therefore, it is important to make a referral with a consultant before taking the case to court, as this will ensure that you receive the best advice as well as the support needed for you to make a successful case. A ballistics expert witness could be the difference between winning and losing your case.

Expert Witness: Ballistics and More

Personal Injury Expert Witness

Millions of people depend upon the public transport for communication. It becomes responsibility of the authority that these people reach their destination safely and in pink of their health. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Road, train and even air plane mishaps have become frequent today. Such fatal accident can cause injuries like loss of limb and also sometimes death. If you have undergone such trauma or someone close to you has been injured, you need to immediately consult a personal injury expert witness. The expert will not only help you to file litigation but help you to claim the compensation, which you have spent on your treatment. He will assist you correctly and let you know whether you have rightful claim. He can fasten the proceedings by giving his expert testimony and can get the compensation quickly.

Personal injury cases are not limited to only train or air-plane accidents. They can occur due to exposure to any hazardous material from a chemical factory, car accidents. While making such claims the expert witness needs to have some proof as to how and why the accident occurred. You can also provide any sort of documents to support your claim. It can be the medical expense report, any eye witness who saw the accident or a police report. If your sufferings are too much it is better you jot down each day’s progress and weekly doctor’s report as even this can be used as evidence. In absence of these evidences the work of an expert becomes difficult. His testimony would be limited only to facts and not actual evidences.

According to the personal injury law a victim is entitled to two types of compensation, namely general damage and the special damage. General damage includes compensation for loss of future earning and pain caused due to the accident. This amount is decided by the jury. The latter includes compensation for any loss like repairing your car, etc. This is the claim the personal injury expert witness fights for. He guides you to file a proper case with the right compensation claim.

The advantage of hiring such expert is you have to pay them only after they are successful in getting you the claim from the jury. In case your appeal is rejected you are not entitled to pay to the expert. So consult an expert for any personal injury case and get your rightful claim.

Personal Injury Expert Witness

Chemical Engineers As Expert Witness Consultants

Chemical engineering expert post by Sam C.

chemical engineering expert witnessesChemical engineers play a major role in the design and management of chemical plants, and should therefore be aware of all the dangers of the job. All places of work have their dangers, but when you are working in a place that contains high quantities of potentially deathly chemicals, certain measures should be taken to minimise the risk of any injury or damage being caused.

Everyone knows how dangerous some chemicals can be, and in the chemical plants where chemical engineers are involved, there will be lots of hazardous materials to be wary of.

A situation could arise where somebody is required to transport a barrel full of a strong acid through the plant. The barrel used in the wrong type for the strength of the acid; maybe it isn’t as strong a metal as it should be, and therefore the acid burns through the barrel and burns the feet and legs of the carrier. This puts the person out of work for several weeks to recover from his injuries. They would feel that they deserve some form of compensation for the damage caused.

However, they would be wrong to assume that they are automatically entitled to compensation purely because they have obtained an injury at work. An important factor to take into account would be whether they did everything that they should have done in order to minimise the possibility that any danger would occur. There are certain procedures that should have taken place before the accident happened; if they wearing the correct safety equipment, if it was part of their job to check whether everything was used appropriately.

This is where a chemical engineering expert witness would be required. It is vital to make a referral with a consultant before trying to launch a claim, as they have the expertise needed to be able to provide sufficient advice to help you with you case. They have the qualifications needed to make them a suitable authority for a jury to hear the situation from a leading expert in the field, and this means that they will prove an important figure in the courtroom. They will provide litigation support as well as testimony, which may prove to be the decisive factor for the jury to defend your case or not. Chemical engineering expert witnesses are certified people to make the right decision to help you make the strongest possible case if it were to go to court.

Chemical Engineers As Expert Witness Consultants

Importance of Aviation Systems Expert Witness

In an aviation industry safety is considered as the prime responsibility. You would be wondering what can be the possible role of an expert witness in this. Aviation System expert witness plays a major role in the safety measures for any air-plane. When you board an aircraft you give your life in the hands of the pilot and the technicians. You have a trust that the aircraft is built according to the standards and all the aviation systems are working perfectly fine.

Aviation system expert witness can be electronic or mechanics experts. The role of the mechanics expert is to check and fix all the parts of the aircraft, which includes hydraulic system, engine, vacuum system and other parts. Their role is not just to check and fix, they are also required to service these parts in Incas of failure. The responsibility of an aviation system expert witness is huge as all the lives of all passengers rest on their shoulders. They have to be perfect and qualified in their work as a small mistake can cause a big blunder.

The role of an electronics expert witness is to verify and check all the computer chips, the navigation system and all the other electronic system in the aircraft is working fine. They need to service and fix them. These experts are mostly used for checking military or fighter planes as those aircrafts include a high amount of electronic system.

As the work is sensitive and there is no space for error in this, the aviation system experts undergo rigorous training and the required aviation degree along with experience is highly essential in this field. An aviation expert witness can also provide advice on procurement of aircraft or simulator, modification and alteration in the aircraft. Their testimony becomes important when any aircraft mishap occurs.

Most of the time the air crash happens to the negligence in the production of the aircraft or the aircraft not been checked properly. It can also happen due to the stupidity of some passengers on board. For these reasons the expert witness is essential in aviation. They provide the litigation support and their testimony in the court. Having an aviation system expert in your litigation is a boon as these experts have technical knowledge and can explain the jury members the actual root cause of such accidents and pinpoint to the people behind this negligence.

Importance of Aviation Systems Expert Witness

Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Michael Jackson’s death was a shock to the entire world. What was more shocking was the cause of his death. Many believed he died to cardiac arrest, but when the truth was revealed in the court no one was able to believe it. The reason for his death was his addiction to a powerful pain medicine. He got addicted to this drug because of his inability to sleep in the night. The medicine helped him sleep. The over dose of this medicine caused his death. All these were the findings of an addiction medicine expert witness who was hired by the doctor who is believed to have given Jackson that drug.

Addiction can be fatal. The young generation considers drinking alcohol a status symbol. There is nothing wrong in that provided the drinking is done occasionally and used to relax the mind. Alcohol relaxes us to an extent that it makes us talk more than we want and this also helps us in socializing. However, this can turn into a permanent addiction which can be dangerous. It is easy to get addicted to something, but it is a mountainous task to come out of that addiction. To get their problem fixed people turn to medication, this help them live without consuming alcohol. Medication can promise numerous things, but it is not always necessary they fulfil their promise every time. The medicine can even have a negative effect on you and can cause harm.

The expert witness comes in handy in such situations. They are experienced people generally expert in pharmacology. They guide the individual on whether they have a rightful claim in case litigation is filed. Their findings are based on the severity of the harm caused by the medication. If the individual has a rightful claim, expert witnesses provide testimony in the court. Their testimony is extremely important for any claim.

Addiction medicine expert witnesses are difficult to find. What is most importance is finding a qualified expert based on addiction. Addiction can be of internet, mobile phones, alcohols, drug, pornography, sex, etc., for these different types of addictions different expert witnesses are available.

For those who are under any sort of medication for addiction and have been harmed or injured by the chemical reaction of these medicines, should consult an addiction medicine expert witness. Thinking such accidents as coincidence is wrong. In such a case the individual has a rightful claim and without fear should approach the court.

Role of an Expert in Addiction Medicine

Aviation Industry and Expert Witnesses

Litigation is one of the most important aspects of an aviation system. The role of an expert witness is crucial in aviation industry. Incidents and accidents that occur in aviation are analyzed in-depth by the expert witness in case of air crashes or business disputes.

Anyone who feels cheated by the aviation industry in any respect is eligible to hire an expert witness. A girl who was a pilot student in one of the renowned aviation school filed a litigation against her instructor and the aviation school, claiming that her injuries and bruises were caused in a training accident happened due to shear negligence of her instructor. Her instructor failed to follow the adhered rules  as per the aviation guidelines mentioned in the training manual. The role of the aviation expert witness in this case was to prove that in other similar incidents other aviation schools used a sophisticated machine in the aircraft, in case of any machinery failure in the aircraft the pilot still controls the plane, averting fatal incidents. The result of the litigation was in favour of the girl.

In most of the aviation cases the attorney’s depend entirely on the expert witness. Due to the extreme technicality of this industry the expert witness has to explain to the jury, the technical side in way it can be easily understood. Cases where the expert is hired by the attorney’s it is often seen that disputes related to fees are frequent. It is better to sign an agreement for this. Some cases need only one expert whereas other cases justify more than one expert. The aviation expert witness can be either an air traffic control expert, aviation weather expert or human factors expert. Choosing the right expert for the case becomes the most important task.

The aviation expert is expected to report the truth in front of the jury members, irrespective of what effect it will have on his/her client’s case. The expert can be fined with perjury in case it is discovered that expert lied or mislead the court to turn the decision in their favour. Situation such a plane crashing the expert is expected to provide his opinion on how the crash occurred and what factors led to the aviation based crash.

Aviation expert witnesses are experts in their field and they are expected to give 100% results in any case they handle.

Aviation Industry and Expert Witnesses

Appraisal Expert Witness – The Growing Need

A combination of real estate and appraisal sounds weird. Most of you would have heard the word ‘appraisal’ being used as decision maker to determine an individual’s performance in a company. Real estate too has appraisals and the experts who carry out this are known as appraisal expert witness. Real estate appraisal is the only way by which actual prices and the market value of a property can be determined.

There is a growing need of appraiser in the real estate business. All properties are not the same and their market value is set by their location and the area they cover. Unlike stock and shares, which are never appraised. The reason is simple. You will see thousands of shares being traded daily but the same is not true for a real estate.

An appraisal expert in real estate can be used to testify even mortgages fraud. Such frauds generally require identification of the theft. A broker can misinform the seller and the buyer that the property is worth more than what actually it is. This is done to make bigger commission. The role of an expert here would be to testify and accurately check the actual property rate and bring it to the notice of the jury members.

Appraisers can be hired either by sellers, buyers or homeowners. If you are planning to sell your home they help you understand the market and on that basis they generate a perfect price for your home, give a comparison of your house and other similar houses, and guide you on how to justify your price list in front of the buyer. If you are a buyer an appraiser can help you determine the accuracy of the property rate given to you by the seller. Along with that he also provides you with the actual sale price of other homes in the neighbourhood. Above all they can help you choose your dream home in case you have overlooked it.

Like any other expert witness finding a good and experienced appraiser is very difficult task. If you already had a good experience with a property appraiser in some scenario, it doesn’t mean that the same appraiser can be hired blindly for other property related disputes.  Various types of experts are available for various property disputes.  Whether you are buying or selling a property remember to consult an appraiser for a hassle free deal as they may be a great fit as an appraisal expert witness.

Urban Planning Expert Witness – A Boon

urban planning expert witness referralsWhen McDonalds planned to open its outlet in a city of Adelaide little did they know about the legal trouble going to be faced by them. The outlet was to be opened in front of the school. Residents of the nearby area filed a case against them stating the reason of increased childhood obesity rates.

The case went to an urban planning court where the urban planning expert witness argued for the first time beyond traffic, building and environment concerns. The decision went in favor of the residents and the fast food giant was prohibited from opening the outlet.

An urban planning expert is anyone who is certified as an urban planner and has required work experience in that field. The role of an expert is to ensure that there is least amount of traffic jams, delays and disruptions on the road. Their duties are not limited to this alone. They also assess whether a particular land is suitable and safe for building purpose. Suggestions given by them on improving the land usage comes handy and the land can be used effectively.

Urban planning expert witness testimony is considered as evidence in case of court trials. Incidents where proper street lighting is not provided causing massive accidents in the night and injury or death to the common man, the role of an expert is crucial. The reason for such accidents can be negligence on the part of the planner or improper utilisation of the land. A leading expert providing a testimony on client’s behalf in such cases might turn out to be fruitful and increase the chances of the client’s success in the litigation.

Finding a reliable and experienced urban planning expert witness is a tough task. Various types of experts are available. They can be traffic expert witness, environment expert witness or normal urban planning expert witness who deals with all cases of urban planning. Choosing an expert according to a particular need is very difficult. One way is to hire them through firms which can turn out to be an extremely costly affair. All companies in the urban planning domain should hire an urban planning expert witness to save them from unnecessary litigation process and provide the best use of land.

In case of individuals who feel they are entitled for any compensation due to any loss or injury caused to the carelessness and negligence in urban planning, they should consult an expert and file a case if the expert feels that the claim for compensation is right.

Urban Planning Expert Witness – A Boon

Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses

Emergency room expert post by Sam C.

emergency room expert witness referralsIf you end up in the emergency room, you will be expecting the best possible help for whatever has happened to you. The chances are that you will be in a lot of pain and will be hoping for treatment which will not only ease the pain, but will also help you begin your recovery back to full health. The vast majority of the time, the medicines given and the treatment provided will be beneficial and is going to only improve the situation.

However, there may be rare occasions when errors are made in the emergency room and something goes horribly wrong. For example, a doctor could misdiagnose the problem that somebody comes into the emergency room with, hence providing the wrong treatment for them. They may be given an antiviral drug when they actually needed an antibacterial drug, or they may be given a drug that they are allergic to. Under these circumstances, the likelihood is that the problem will at best stay the same, but could also worsen the problem significantly.

This is where an emergency room expert witness is the key to ensure that the best advice can be provided. They know all of the procedures that should have been taken in the emergency room to make sure that the medicines provided were the correct type and that everything was done correctly with respect to checking the medical history of the patient. For example, if there was an allergy issue, if this was known about then the patient should not have received this treatment, and something different should have been done. An emergency room expert witness will be able to determine whether the correct procedures were taken in order to make the right decision in defending the case.

These expert witnesses are leading experts in the field of medicine. They have the necessary qualifications to not only know the procedures that should have been taken, but also what medicines should have been used in place of the ones actually used. It is therefore important, if you have suffered from what you feel to be negligence from the doctor in the emergency room, to make a referral with a consultant before launching a claim in the courts. The expert witness will provide the best advice possible as well as litigation support, and will also testify in court, as they have an authority that could convince the jury to back you and your claim.

Emergency Rooms and Expert Witnesses