Occupational and Industrial Medicine Expert Witnesses

occupational and industrial medicine expert witness post by Sam C.

occupational and industrial medicine expert witnessesThe human body has a number of defence mechanisms that can help to stave off viruses and bacteria. We can get illnesses from all sorts of places, including our place of work. Although you may not feel it initially (the body often seems to make you able to function perfectly normally whilst you’re working), when you get home you may finally succumb and feel the symptoms.

This can be very frustrating and can leave you unable to work for an extended period of time. Because of this, and the disruption that it may cause you, people will take medication that will hopefully provide your immune system with a boost and will get you back working in no time.

However, what if the medication that is given to you causes your condition to become worse? The occupational and industrial medicine pharmacologists have a duty of care to provide the best medicines that they can and to test them thoroughly to ensure that the risk of side effects is minimal. If they were to create a medicine that caused further harm to the patient, it is very possible that there has been some misconduct or negligence in the testing process. Of course, not all side effects can be compensated for; there are usually warnings on the medication that warn you of the potential complications that may arise out of taking it, so you will probably need something exceptional to happen to you. If these effects cause life changing problems for you, you may find that they are entitled to claim compensation.

Occupational and industrial medicine expert witnesses will help to provide the evidence required to say whether the pharmacologist can be held liable for the injuries that you have suffered. They have years of expertise working with medicines that are put to good use in saying whether the tests conducted by the pharmacologist were appropriate, if they have conducted rigorous tests or if there are any other errors during the manufacturing process. If you are trying to launch a claim against a negligent pharmacologist, you will require somebody who is a certified specialist in the field of medicine to help defend your claim.

Not all problems caused by medicines can be blamed on the pharmacologist. Sometimes, any further illness caused may be due to a side-effect or allergic reaction that was unforeseen by everybody. This is where the occupational and industrial medicine expert witness would assist; they will be able to determine whether the doctor took the necessary precautions against any further problems, and if not, compensation may be claimed. Make sure you get the litigation support you need to win your case.

Occupational and Industrial Medicine Expert Witnesses

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