Pediatrics and Expert Witnesses

post by Sam C.

It is a natural impulse to want to protect our young. They are the future and any parent would give up everything to make sure that no harm comes to their child. When our children do have to visit hospital, we expect them to receive the same care and attention that we would give them. In a sense, we expect them to be looked after to a higher standard than we would expect ourselves to be in the same situation.

The reason for this is very simple. Aside from the natural love and affection that gives us a unique bond with our child, there is a strong sense that a child has the potential to do great things in the future; they could be the next genius or sporting superstar. Medical malpractice can result in long term and debilitating harm coming to the patient; they can be injured in such a way that they are unable to find stable employment. For a child, who has not even had a chance to establish themselves in the world of work, this would be a disaster. Not only can it prevent them from gaining employment in the future, it can also seriously disrupt their education. The result of this is that even if they make a full recovery, they may be prevented from fulfilling their true potential. This would be a real tragedy.

As such, any child who is injured as a result of medical malpractice should receive adequate compensation to help mitigate the future losses that may be incurred as a result. Consulting a pediatric expert witness is an essential part of any potential claim. The expert witness knows the standard of care that is owed to a child and the type of medical attention that they should receive. They will first try to get a full picture of the events that led up to the injury, and will then inform you as to whether you have a claim or not.

Sympathetic juries tend to be more pro-child in cases such as this, but if you are looking to try and gain adequate compensation then you should leave nothing to chance. Gaining the testimony of an expert witness will provide you with evidence that can’t be overlooked even by the sternest of juries. Give yourself the best opportunity to receive the compensation that you deserve; your child shouldn’t end up suffering because a doctor fails to adhere to the correct standard of care.

Pediatrics and Expert Witnesses

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